Sunday, January 10, 2016


Tyler started his Winter Testing up North this week and that makes me want to complain. So instead of doing what I want to do I'm going to try to make this a gratitude post instead. So here we go: 

#1: I am grateful that Penny got all her sick sleepless nights out while Tyler was home for Winter Break. She has been much better behaved this week and much more apt to smile.

#2: I am grateful that Lucy survived a fall ALL the way down the stairs. She didn't even have any bumps or bruises to show for it. I am also grateful that Lucy didn't do any serious harm to herself after playing with my razor in the shower- just one owie on her thumb. It's been a tough week for Lucy but she is still alive to tell the tales.

#3: I am grateful for a beautiful bouquet of pink roses that Tyler got me for our 10th Anniversary. Though he failed on the date planning part, he brought me home Qdoba and we watched Jurassic World when the kids went to bed, he did manage perfection on the roses. They had some of biggest, prettiest blooms I ever done did see and they sure brightened up our house this week.

#4: I am grateful that my boys love books. Benny is just starting to read and Steven is becoming quite an expert reader but they both love going to the library and love having new books to look through and read. This was a lifesaver this week! The afternoons and evenings were dragging and by the time Thursday was here, I wanted to do something to help make the time go by faster and the library was the perfect solution. The kids were seriously entertained and excited to get new books!

#5,#6,#7: I am grateful for having Tyler home on the weekends. I am grateful for friends that offered to watch our kids so we could have a date. And I am grateful for unseasonably warm Saturday so that we could have a fun day date outside, exploring Detroit. We got to see "the fist" of Detroit and "the spirit of Detroit", and the monuments at Hart Plaza.

Then we checked out the cars displayed in the GM Renaissance Center and caught a ride the People Mover (it's much higher then I would like).

After that we ate a Coney Dog at world famous Lafayette Coney Island. I don't usually like the Coney dogs here (mustard is always included)but these were actually quite good, Tyler also got super yummy slice of french silk pie there! 

Our last stop was at John K King Used & Rare Book Store. This place had 4 floors absolutely stuffed with books. I could have easily spent all day there, because I am a nerd like that but we couldn't leave our kids all day with our friends, that wouldn't be nice. Tyler ended up getting a nerdy, old math book and I ended up with some fun Christmas books for the kids.

#8: Last but not least I am grateful for friends that checked up on me this week and made me feel loved. I made it through his first week of Winter Testing and I know I can make it through the rest of it because I have such wonderful people to look out for me while my hubby is away! 

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