Saturday, January 23, 2016


This week was a definite improvement from last week. I think it was better for several reasons: 
#1: Tyler had part of Monday off work for MLK day so he was home in the morning and didn't leave to go up North until that afternoon. This meant I got to do my grocery shopping AND go to Target child free. It was beautiful. 
#2: I was very unproductive this week which meant I was not stressed out over children screaming at me while I was trying to get things done. The most productive thing I did was finish coloring this picture:

#3: 3 out of the 5 days were spent socializing with others: I went visiting teaching, I had a couple friends over and I met with a friend to "plan" Laci's Baby Shower (we did a lot more chatting than planning). Socializing seems to make me a happier person, take note.

#4: I got brave and decided to give the library another chance. Penny was a little crazy still but the rest of the kids were quiet little readers. It was perfection:

#6: The girls were better behaved than last week and Lucy gave me a few couple funny moments to share: On Tuesday she started off the day wearing a sweater dress because she had to be a pretty princess. But half way through the day she ripped off the dress and disappeared into Benny's room. When she came back out she was wearing his neon green Batman swim shirt and was saying she was Batman and she was insisting that we got to the beach. I tried to explain to her that it was too cold and even opened the door to give her a sample but she would not be persuaded. "The beach is warm!" she insisted. Apparently beaches have their own climate zone.

Second funny moment was when she arranged her carrots as seen below and told us they were a snowman: 

Penny had her own fun moment when I said "Say cheese!" and she totally posed for the camera:

#7: This week was a slight bit warmer and there was no snow shoveling, no de-icing and that always makes me happy.

So there we have it, 7 reasons why this week was better than last!

And to end the post on a creepy note... Thursday night I was in the midst of brushing Lucy's teeth when Steven comes into the bathroom and asks me, "Is there a bad guy in the house?" I had a minor panic attack and then asked "Why!?" (like seriously, why would you ask this while Tyler's away!?) and then he says, "Because sometimes I hear one at night." I know it was his crazy imagination talking but I couldn't help but freak out a bit. I definitely did not sleep well that night.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about the Bad Guy, I hear he's really scared of the Old Lady...
