Saturday, January 16, 2016

Week 2

I am grateful that week 2 of Winter Testing is over. This week was certainly harder than the last and has left me worn to the bone. Winter showed it's ugly face here in Michigan this week, leaving us with bitter cold temperatures, snow to be shoveled and a van to be cleared of ice and snow each morning. The girls also both came down with something and were super temperamental during the day and terrible sleepers at night. Don't be fooled by the adorable pictures below, they were truly naughty this week:

Mr. Steven is turning the big 8 next month which I am finding hard to comprehend. To help him look the part of the baptized 8 year old he is about to be, we got him a suit. My lovely friend is going to take some pictures of him soon where he will hopefully look much more civilized then this:

And since obviously we must celebrate this momentous occasion, I have begun getting things ready for his Minecraft Birthday party. Yes I know I am a month early, but that is just how I roll- always way ahead of the game :) Despite my crazy girls, I was super productive this week and got a ton done. We have pin the tail on the pig, Creeper bean bag toss, Cardboard squares & square paper to make Minecraft faces with, a banner, the invitations, Minecraft food labels, and Minecraft treat bag toppers. People you should be SO impressed with me!  

Friday the weather warmed up significantly (from in the 10's to in the 30's) so we embraced the "warmth" and took a walk to the Bakery. Lucy is obsessed with making tracks in the snow and since I kept telling her no way it's much too cold, she was so glad to finally be given permission to do so. 

Saturday, Tyler had planned to be working on his truck and as much as I want him to get that thing fixed, I equally wanted to get out of the house and do something fun. So he procrastinated the truck and we all went to the Science Museum instead. It was a really nice outing with the kids and I don't regret the procrastinating...too much...


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