Saturday, February 6, 2016

Naughty Kids...

Penny was a naughty little munchkin this week and she was persistently proud of her naughtiness. Naughty things she enjoys doing: putting food in her hair, spilling yogurt throughout the house, running away from me, getting into the fridge, screaming when it's time to get dressed or get in her car seat, and fighting with her sister over toys. Oh man, the toy thing is a constant battle. 

This week I hit up Salvation Army in hopes of finding some Cub Scout attire for Steven. I had no success with that but I found this cute dinosaur ride on toy for only $3. The girls already had one ride on toy they fought over occasionally so I thought I was being brilliant buying another one. I can't believe I made such a rookie mom mistake. Now they could care less about the other one and all they care about is who get's THIS ONE:

In a desperate attempt to escape the battle over the dinosaur, we took a walk to our favorite spot- the bakery! This was the perfect escape, the weather was sunny and perfect. This has seriously been the most mildest winter ever, I am loving on El Nino! Us girls took a "selfie" to document this lovely expedition: 

Since we are on the subject of Bakeries, let's talk about my sugar addiction. With all the woes of single parenting it these last 5 weeks, I have started using sugary foods to drown out my sorrows. This has led me to become quite the baker. A couple weeks ago I made cinnamon rolls from scratch for the first time ever ever and they turned out pretty darn good. So good that I literally made another batch just a couple days later. Then this week I made some super delicious snicker doodles. The kids are clearly enjoying all my baking:

And on a totally unrelated and depressing note, I got an email from Steven's teacher letting me know he cheated on his spelling test. It was such disappointing news. He is such a smart boy and I wish he didn't put so much pressure on himself to do well. We had a talk and he lost Minecraft time (had to study for next weeks spelling test instead). I hope he learns his lesson and it doesn't happen again.

Speaking of school...I got to help set up a Valentine's Post Office in Ben's classroom. The girls had to come with me but luckily Kindergarten has a Community Room (which is kind of like a play area for snowy days). They still made matters challenging as they now had lots of new toys to fight over but I still managed to enjoy being at Benny's school and it was fun getting to peek in on him and see him at work. Penny also had fun because anytime she wandered into Ben's classroom she got loved on by all the little girls.

And let's end this post with an incredibly cute and sassy picture of Miss Lucy:

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