Sunday, May 3, 2015

Warm & Sunny's warm again!!! So on Tuesday after a traumatizing experience with am intense roundabout (literally had to go in that awful thing 3 times before finally getting out at the right spot) I decided we were in need of a little relaxation in the sunshine. So on our way home we picked up some food at DQ and had a little picnic at a park in Kensington. The kids were super happy to be outside AND warm:

 And with that one taste of fresh air and warmness, we were addicted and had to spend the evening outside as well. 

Besides the enjoyment of good weather, I have also got to enjoy seeing Lucy in lots of different dress up clothes this week. She was constantly clomping about in her play high heeled shoes and frequently twirling (and sometimes singing too) in a skirt. But I think my favorite ensemble that she wore this week consisted of scrubs, an apron and one high heeled shoe (see top middle picture). This girl is just bursting with personality:

She is also bursting with naughtiness and stubbornness which has made this week tough. Gotta love when she colors on her forehead AND Penny's forehead. But at least she took a break from that naughtiness to sit down and read with me. Love the picture above with her legs crossed and her face buried in a Duck Tales Graphic Novel. 

Lucy wanted to share her love of dressing up with Penny and I came into a room to find that she had put a skirt on top of Penny and was attempting to jam a crown on her head. With a little help from me we were able to turn Penny into a proper, happy Princess:

The boys have been earning "Strong Family Jewels" for being good during prayer time, family home evening and family scripture study. They finally filled up the jar with jewels and for their reward-- a trip to the Science Museum:

It was a fun time until it was time to leave and van didn't want to start (not the first time this has happened). It finally started after Tyler had given up on it and was calling AAA. It is frustrating that it always does this when we are far away from home. And though we are glad that it miraculously starts again, that also makes it hard for Tyler to find out just what is wrong with it. Hopefully we get it figured out SOON because a dead van with 4 tired kids (because they always seem to be tired when this happens) is never fun.

And btw, the Girl's Night last week was a success! It was so nice to get out and hang out with friends and it was just the right amount of people and there was a wide range of ages and fun people and... I did this! 


1 comment:

  1. Roundabouts are the worst!! And I don't even think I've been in a real one. Or at least a busy one. Lucy so cute with her dressup. Oliver is not interested in the slightest. I can't wait for them to be friends again!
