Saturday, May 16, 2015

Seriously Fun

Last Sunday was Mother's Day. For Mother's Day Tyler made me delicious strawberry crepes for breakfast, and he got me a new comforter (one that is not covered in children goo!) and he got me some flowers to hang from our porch (see picture below). Lucy invented a song on Mother's Day so I will consider that my present from her. It is a chant that goes something like this, "A mommy! A daddy! A baby! A mommy! A daddy! A baby!"

Monday night we had our usual Family Home Evening. FHE is always interesting, especially when you have a crazy toddler like Lucy. Before we started she put on some styling shades. Then while singing our opening song she decided that she needed to bounce along with the music in Penny's Jumperoo: 

Later she left the Jumperoo and while we were rebuilding our plastic cup church (it was a lesson on the restoration) I heard her munching behind me. I looked over to see her hogging down on salad. I mean who doesn't love to snack on raw salad?:

Penny wanted to get in on the silliness too, so after the lesson she attempted to drink her bottle with her hands inside our "church." Doesn't she look like she's having so much fun?:

Yes, most of our Family Home Evenings are just pure chaos but we keep on having them in hopes that something good will slip through and enter their silly little brains.

This week the weather was spastic. It was hot, it was cold, it was rainy, it was sunny. It was confusing! But we did manage to get out a few times. My silly kids think it is just too much fun to be pulled around in their purple sled:

We also realized that Penny is sitting up well enough that she can go for wagon ridea with Lucy. I'm sorry but as the baby of our family, she just can't be big enough to do such things! 

Seriously, she needs to stop growing. This girl has 8 teeth, she is the speediest roller ever (she can roll from the kitchen into the bathroom in 30 seconds flat) and she is starting to hog down baby food like crazy(as long as it has apple in it or I mix it with applesauce). 

Steven is also growing up to fast. He is doing well in school and I enjoy hearing about the things he is learning. This week he told me all about rainbows and baby rabbits. Recently they had chicks hatch in their classroom. Tyler loved to tease Steven and ask him how his baby dinosaurs were doing and if they had all hatched yet. Steven did not appreciate this teasing. On Friday they brought their chicks back to Green Acres Farm and he had so much fun holding all the animals there. He came home that day with a sunflower seed to plant. We'll see if this one can survive the wrath of Lucy (she has destroyed all other plants that Steven has cared for). 

Lastly, Benny has been using the word "seriously" quite a bit this week and it has seriously, been pretty funny. He asked for a treat once and Tyler gave him something and he said, "Seriously? You're giving me this for my treat." If you could only hear the tone in which he says that word I promise you would smile too. Seriously!

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