Saturday, April 25, 2015

Awesome Sauce

It never fails that just when the weather starts to warm up in Michigan, it gets cold again. There was definite coldness this week, along with snow. So to celebrate the coldness we went to Dairy Queen for Family Night. Obviously the kids loved it:

After returning my broken camera for a refund, I decided to try out a different fancy camera. This camera finally came on Wednesday and it has some pretty cool features. One being that it has a screen on the front so we can be selfie professionals:  

By the way, this handsome guy in the picture above was officially called and set apart as Young Men's President on Sunday. He got called just in time for a YW & YM's fundraiser (silent auction & dinner) that the previous leaders had not started preparing for (a new YW's President was just called too). So we've got some busy times ahead of us but it is the perfect calling for him. He is so good with the youth and I'm happy for him!

And this silly boy above made us smile this week when he said that "Girls love awesome things!" This comment was inspired by Tyler telling Steven that I loved him for his awesome miniature golfing skills. Well what Tyler said my not be true, I have to agree with Steven, girls do love awesome things!

On Thursday, Tyler brought home some lunch from the local butcher in a brown paper bag and I was inspired to make faces on each side. Who knew a paper bag could inspire hours of entertainment?:

We are a happy? family:

This week I learned how highly motivated that sweet little boy below is by anything that will earn him money. He sent Poppy a postcard, so Poppy sent him a letter that had $2. The very same day he got that money, he was already making Poppy another card in hopes of getting more money. He will work for money!

Yesterday, silly Lucy insisted I take a picture of her in this outfit. "Chee! Chee Mommy!! Chee!!!":

And would you believe that anti-social me planned a girl's night of epic proportions for tonight!? It started out with a text to 6 people, and soon blew up to all the ladies in the ward being invited. We're all headed to Culver's this evening for ice cream so that should be fun. Also, thanks to this event, I finally started a Facebook page for the ladies in the Ward. So maybe girl's nights and play dates will become more frequent. Look at me breaking out of my shell! It WAS NOT EASY but I did it :)


  1. Tyler as YM president? a good way. What a better leader for the youth than a youth himself

  2. Haha. I love Karen's comment.

    Also, you are so social! I can't believe you! Well, I am proud of you and hope you make some lasting friends.
