Sunday, May 24, 2015

Canoe Rides

This past week Tyler was supposed to finish our dining room table so it would be ready in plenty of time for the baby shower I am throwing. It did not get finished. Between church responsibilities, a flaky van that insisted upon being fixed, a yard that grows grass at a ridiculously fast rate and a friend in desperate need of plumbing help- this week got away from him. Fingers crossed that with the holiday tomorrow, it might still get done in time. Time is ticking my friends! 

Back to the part on the flaky van! After changing out the relay and realizing that was not it, he then changed out the starter. AND apparently that was STILL not it. I am getting so frustrated because the only time it refuses to start is right after church. Right when I have 3 cranky, tired, hungry kids that desperately need to get home. Today Lucy threw a royal fit because she was holding a bag that she believed to be a present for her when in actuality it was a bag that belonged to the primary closet. I was sure our van was fixed so I carried her screaming craziness to the van start. Thankfully this time it only took a five minutes before it magically started but holy cow. So TIRED of this.

We also had a fun bout of pink eye with Benny and Penny this week. When I took them begrudgingly into the doctor (I was hoping to just get the drops without coming in) I found out Penny had a double ear infection. It was a good thing they made me come in. I had thought she was getting yet another tooth and that was way she was so cranky but boy was I wrong. And to add to the fun of taking 4 kids to the doctor and pharmacy, I shut the car window on Steven's fingers. It looked much worse than it actually was and I think I came out of it more traumatized then him. Lots of parenting win moments this week. 

Anyways I'm complaining too much. Onto a happier moment. For Family Home Evening this week we talked about Nephi's broken bow. Each kid got to take a turn playing Nephi and Lucy was definitely my favorite. She stayed "in character" for the rest of the night...

Penelope got to try on Tyler's headphones. At first, she hated them. Nothing but tears. But then he changed the song to "Uptown Funk" by Bruno Mars. This is not my favorite song because the lyrics sound questionable but Penny dug it:

Thursday night I went to Enrichment and it was a talent show. As I sat in the audience I realized I shouldn't be in the audience. Not that I love public performances (I hate them with all my heart) but I have really neglected the piano. I used to be so good and I am not so much anymore. I really need to start taking time to practice again and I would love to be able to get Steven interested in the piano as well. Time to start being musical again!

Friday night was too much fun! Tyler and I borrowed a canoe from some friends in the Ward and took it to Proud Lake. I hadn't been in canoe since Girl's Camp a million years ago but with Tyler steering us we got around just fine. We took the canoe into the lake and down a river that stemmed off it. The scenery was beautiful and green. We saw a little family of swans (though I failed to get a good pics of the babies) and all was quiet and peaceful (we were the only ones out in that neck of the lake). Loved it so much!

Equally awesome about that night was that Penny (who normally freaks out anytime someone else holds her) did not cry at all for our babysitter- not even a whimper when we left. We are so lucky to have a babysitter that our kids love!

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