Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Social Week

 This week was a very social week- you should be so proud of me for all my socialness!

On Monday I was social but not for a happy reason. My friend Tina had some major surgery done and was in the hospital. On Monday night she had a major craving for a Slurpee so I had to comply. This poor lady is not having good luck as of late so I was glad I could at least satisfy her craving and lend a listening ear.

Thursday was a nice warm day so we joined some friends at Mercer Beach. I didn't think Lucy would get near the water since last summer she only wanted to play on the playground there so I didn't even put a swim diaper on under her swimsuit. Boy was that a bad idea! She was super brave this year and actually made me nervous A TON as she waded further and further out into the lake. And regular diapers, well they don't hold in lake water so good. She was kind of a disaster to clean up but at least she had fun (and at least I had a functioning hose to spray her done with).

Thursday was opening day for our local Farmer's Market, so that evening we went to it with our neighbors. The kids got to do a little craft at one of the booths and then we got some AMAZINGLY delicious (and expensive) lemonade. But really, that stuff was delicious!

On Friday my friend Laci and her son, Wesley came over to our house to play. Wesley is only 18 months old but Ben loves him. He told me that morning (after we passed by a Minion Windsock) "I love Minions because they are hilarious and I love Wesley because he's cute" I think that boy wishes I had given him a little brother. 

Friday night was the Ward Youth Silent Auction. It had a pretty good turn out and they got some pretty good donations so I think Tyler would call it a success (even if his boys were lazier than Tyler would have liked). But I would NOT call it a success. I think I am just too cheap for auctions. I bid on like 6 different AWESOME thing and ended up with NOTHING. Steven, however, bid on a kite (for $3) and won. Probably because once he bid on it, he stood in front of the bid sheet and gave dirty looks to anyone who got near it. Maybe I should have tried that?

Saturday morning Steven went to a birthday party for a friend in the Ward and got some awesome face painting done (super hero mask):

When we came home from the party we found Piper, a girl in our Ward, at our home! This girl is a treat to watch because all sibling rivalries seem to cease when she is around. Near the end of her stay, they were all getting bored so I figured a walk to the bakery for cookies would fix that. It did:   

After she left, the boys had some fun wrestling with the neighbor kids. Dog pile!

And I'll end this post with pictures of my adorable Penelope. My neighbor across the street gave me more bibs and an adorable balloon cover. Once again didn't want to be paid for them but just wanted more pictures for her website. I like free things and I like taking pictures of my cute baby so that was a done deal:

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! Super social! So does that mean you are loving your camera? This post makes it look like Lucy doesn't exist in your family. Ha! Penny is darling.
