Saturday, May 30, 2015

A Parade, Hives and a Baby Shower

Monday was Memorial Day so we walked to Main Street and watched our town's Memorial Day Parade. Our friends from church (the Brandley's) came along with us and they brought a friend from work. We sat by our neighbors and our neighbors happened to be sitting by a bunch of people from our Ward. Needless to say it was quite a party. The kids enjoyed watching all the cool cars, trucks, motorcycles and marching bands and the adults enjoyed chatting. I didn't get a single good picture of the kids but thankfully someone from Oakland Press did and shared them on Facebook so I could steal them:

Monday afternoon we had a BBQ with the Brandley's and their work friend. Penny was super fussy and running a low grade fever so that kind of made the BBQ not so fun for me. Her cranky behavior continued into Tuesday and on Wednesday she woke up covered in light red spots. Thankfully she had a doctor's appointment. They thought that the rash was because she had a virus while on Amoxicillin (which she was on for her ear infection) and that can apparently cause a rash. However, the next morning the light spots turned deep red and had grown in size. It was then determined that her rash had turned into hives and that she is allergic to Amoxicillin. She looked pretty pathetic and when we picked up the new antibiotics, the pharmacist gasped in horror at my babies spotty skin. Apparently people don't normally take their hive covered babies out in public... 

Since getting off the Amoxicillin her skin has slowly been improving. I still think the Antibiotics are messing with her tummy though because she has still been fairly fussy. I am so over the cranky, constantly needing to be held Penny. I just want her to be healthy!

This week I threw a baby shower for a lady I visit teach. I made the cookie dough a few days early and Benny and Lucy insisted on helping (helping to eat the cookie dough that is). I love that Lucy got out her apron without any prompting:

Friday I went on a walk with my friend Tina. She's the one who just got surgery so we did a small walk to the bakery and back. It was nice to get out and socialize with my friend. The kid's of course were pretty thrilled about getting a doughnut.

Today was the baby shower. I had fun coming up with the ideas and planning things out but I'm not super in love with stress of carrying out all the plans the week of. I also think it would be a lot more fun if I had an umlimited budget. But the end result was pretty good. It seemed like people had a good time and that's all that matters right?

Elizabeth, the one I was throwing the shower for, brought her son Zane (her husband a busy med student)and Zane happened to be wearing the same shirt as Ben. We had to snap a picture before Tyler took the kids out for a LONG walk to McDonalds:

Tyler hadn't finished staining the top of the table so I just covered it with a table cloth and it worked out just fine. I had a little banner of onesies that I had cut out of scrapbook paper, some flowers in painted mason jars, kettle corn from the Farmer's Market (which apparently was not a hit,) cookies (my "famous" chewy recipe), a rice krispy "cake", chicken salad and fruit and veggies:

Then we played a game where everyone had to match the name of a candy bar to a pregnancy term. There was some giggling so that's a good sign but it was a bit too easy, pretty  much everyone got all the answers right.

The cute pregnant lady in the middle is Elizabeth. I failed to take a picture of myself with her but at least I got one of her.

It feels good to be done with it and to celebrate the end of the party I bit down on a hard candy and lost a chunk of one of my molars. Super. SO excited to deal with that Monday. I suppose that's what I get for procrastinating going to the dentist here. I'm really good at taking the boys to the dentist but I just haven't made the time to go myself. Nothing like a broken tooth to get you there.

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