Saturday, June 6, 2015

Fun Times

My crazy Lucy absolutely loves her purple church dress. She wears it CONSTANTLY. She also loves to be like her brothers and she loves to put on all the things in her dress up bin. With all that in mind, the picture below is really no surprise. It pretty much is her in all her favorite things. Should we have let her go to church like this?:

I have been trying for what feels like forever to take the kids to Kensington Metropark. It is only 5 minutes away from us but things kept coming up that prevented us from getting there (rain, pink eye...). Well, on Tuesday all roadblocks were finally out of our way and we made it! There was no rain and the weather was gorgeous! We started off our fun morning at the Farm in Kensington. Lucy kept calling goats sheep, Benny loved petting an actual sheep and Penny was just full of smiles:

After seeing all the fun farm animals we headed down to the Nature Center and took a little walk down one of the nearby trails. The birds were out and singing and there were lots of chipmunks scampering about. Lucy had fun scaring away all the birds and chipmunks by chasing after them and she loved shouting "I see a birdy!I see wader"

The other morning Steven came into the house shouting "I found a frog!" I shouted "Get that out of my house!" He was super excited and wanted to keep it as a pet but I was a mean mom and instead convinced him to let it go.

Penny seems to be feeling much better this week but her eating habits still stink. She doesn't eat very much and she is very finicky about what she will eat. What she gobbles down one day, she won't touch the next. This week I got her to eat some ground turkey and slurp down some yogurt but like I said, both foods were pretty much a one time thing:

Because we just can't escape sickness Benny had a bit of a fever and runny nose this week and then woke up Friday morning with rosy red cheeks. 

I'm pretty sure he has Fifth Disease (because Steven has had that before) so that's fun. Supposedly it's no big deal unless you are pregnant and supposedly it's only contagious before the rash so I still took him out to our park play date that morning. Since it was our Ward's first official park play date and I have been the one behind arranging them all, I figured we couldn't miss it. He ended up getting spun around a bit too much on a merry-go-round thing in the hot humid heat and feeling sick (in addition to the cute red cheeks) so we left early. 

Thankfully after a little R&R at home he felt all better and was able to still go on the Father & Son camp out that night. He loved getting to walk on trails by the river and Steven loved getting to eat S'mores! And Tyler...well as usual tried to play Capture the Flag like he was 16 again and ended up hurting his knee. When is he going to realize he's getting old?

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