Saturday, January 31, 2015

Heels & Hockey

This week was hard. I mean it was one extremely challenging week. Every single one of my kids tested boundaries and pushed buttons in one way or another and as this week comes to an end I am just grateful it is over. I am grateful that I can start a fresh new week. That we all get another chance to make better choices and be happier. And despite the frustrations of this week, I want you to know that I wouldn't have it any other way. I am lucky to be these kids' mom. I am lucky that they are challenging me and forcing me to grow. I am lucky that I get to be home with them and teach them how to be good people. More than lucky I am blessed. 

Pictured below is one of my stinkers from this week. One royal stinker who pressed all of Lucy's buttons, who ignored me constantly, who cried anytime something was "too hard", and who said naughty things and did naughty things just because he thought he was hilarious. BUT despite his evilness this week, he still managed to make me smile occasionally. Like that time when he chose to top off his outfit with his sister's high heels:

My other stinker of the week, pictured above with the first stinker, would arch her back in protest every time I had to buckle her in her car seat this week and then she would scream like a banshee for a good 15 minutes before finally giving up the struggle. I think she was trying to exorcise a demon from her soul, but really she was just exorcising my patience. She has also been anti-sleep this week which is not OK. She needs her nap. She is extremely cranky when she doesn't get one :(. But at least she has been very giving with "huggies" this week. And when she says "huggies" that means she wants to snuggle in my lap. I do love snuggles!

Onto my third stinker, Steven. Oh Steven. Ben got some stomach bug Wednesday night and spent the night throwing up. The next morning Steven decided he was "sick" too. I was pretty sure he was faking because he still ate his gummy vitamins and he pointed to his throat when I asked him where he felt sick and he seemed more concerned about getting some 7UP to drink and watching TV than anything else. So I told him he could stay home but he would have to stay in his room and relax and he would not get to watch TV. Surprisingly, he agreed to these conditions. Not surprisingly, after an hour of doing absolutely nothing in his room, he had a miraculous recovery. His recovery was just late enough though, that I had to drag all his siblings into the school to drop him off. I was not happy about that.

But at least he wasn't genuinely sick so he was still able to go with the Scouts and his dad and brother to a Hockey Game. I think I am safe to say they had a good time:

I wish I could say that Penny was my golden child this week but she wasn't. She decided to go back to fussy mode this week and has been having frequent moments of crankiness. She is determined to keep me on my toes I suppose. At least she is impressing us with her ability to read ;):

As you can see her and Benny were very excited to find 2 new Benny & Penny books at the library this week:

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