Friday, January 2, 2015

Detroit Historical Museum

This week not only was Steven off of school but Tyler was off of work. For the most part we were boring. We stayed home, slept in, played video games (Steven got Minecraft with a giftcard and is obsessed with it), watched movies, and were just plain lazy. But we did do one fun thing. On Tuesday we went to the Detroit Historical Museum. We weren't sure what to expect but it was free and you just can't beat free. And lucky for us it turned out to be lots of fun. And also lucky for us- we didn't get mugged or robbed or lose or van in ghetto Detroit ;) 

Here is Steven mixing up some music:  

Penny with her favorite doll, she enjoyed chilling at the museum too:

The boys watching a car being made in a mock assembly line:

Steven taking us out on a ride:

Tyler's driving, that's probably a safer idea:

This exhibit was like walking through the streets of Detroit throughout different eras. I think this store would have been a favorite of mine. Nothing over 10 cents!

An awesome model train with buttons that you could push to make things move:

Silly Lucy chilling in a chair and then taking over her sister's car seat:

The boys loved this exhibit, it involved them designing cars. Benny was actually able to design a car that worked before Steven or even Tyler- go Benny!

It was a fun little museum, glad we got out of the house, even if it was just for one day!

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