Saturday, January 24, 2015

January Things

This week the temperatures were much better- mostly 20's & 30's! I am so much happier when we are in double digits people! And with warmer temperatures came my favorite kind of snow. The kind of snow where the flakes are big and you can actually see all their intricate details when they fall onto cool surfaces. The kind of snow that when it settles on the ground it looks fluffy and pretty. And I especially love the kind of snow that I DO NOT have to shovel because my husband is home. Yeah that's the best kind. Here's me and Lucy catching some flakes:

I know this may not seem monumental to some but this week Penelope got a bath. Since I can't throw her in the tub with all the other kids, she tends to be neglected. She loves bath time so I really should clean her up more often. And these pictures also show that she might be picking up a thumb sucking habit, just like her big brother Steven. 

I know, enough bath time pictures already! But she just looks so cute afterwards too:

Lucy's hair is driving me wild! It is completely hopeless these days. Her one side has thinned out so much that I really can't do pigtails with it. And when I leave it down she is constantly rubbing the back of her head on everything so that it all just sticks up every which way. So the other night we decided to just make use of what she does have and gave her sprout. Is it weird that I kind of love her hair like this?

Today was a good end to the week. I took the boys out on a date to the bakery in town and then we went to the library. The library happened to be having demolition slot car racing happening in the rec room so we joined in. The boys had fun pushing the lever and watching the cars run around the track and crash. Then after that fun we hit the books. We even got to look in the nonfiction section- a section I usually can't go to when the girls are in tow because it's too far from the play area. Here are the boys with their favorite finds from today:

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