Monday, February 9, 2015

Snow, Valentines & First Foods

Well it seems 'challenging' is going to be the word to describe my February...or maybe my year. Penelope is back to her "normal" fussy self and back to sleeping like a newborn. This pathetic picture is pretty much how she looks 90% of the day:

Needless to say, I am exhausted. It is so hard to always have her fussing when I try to get things done and I have never gone through sleep deprivation like this before. My other kids were definitely not this bad (or at least for not this long) and it is taking a toll on me emotionally and physically. She is definitely reinforcing my decision to be done having children.

I am so grateful that my mom flew in Sunday to help out because with Tyler up North during all the work weeks this month and me being so crazy tired, I couldn't have survived this week without her help. Despite being sick with a cold herself, she has been a great help with the kids and they are so happy to have her here. Lucy, however, still can't get her name right and keeps calling her "Poppy":

To add to my challenges this week, we got over a foot of snow over the weekend which led to two Snow Days for Steven. I love that boy but he needs school. He starts driving his brother and sister crazy when he's home with them a lot and he starts driving me crazy too! We tried to keep busy and made snow ice cream. Only the snow melted too quickly and it was more of a slushee so we just drank it:

The kids even ventured out into the snow for a bit (by the way, that is not a hill behind them- that is all snow from our driveway):

On his second Snow Day Steven kept busy by making Valentines. He drew and colored the stars, cut them out, wrote names on them and glued on the candy. Considering he had to make 46 since he is in a combined class, it was pretty time consuming. Surprisingly though, he didn't complain:

He also made his Valentine's Box. It says "Feed Me!"

Unfortunately, when I went to put his Valentine's in it, I realized it wasn't going to be big enough for 46 Valentines. All along he had been telling me he needed to use the bigger box, well he was right. So we had to redo it:

Thankfully on Wednesday school was back in session! That made for some slightly easier days but still challenging with fussy Penelope. I thought she was so fussy because maybe she was ready for "real" food so we gave that a try:


She made lots of fun faces while eating but I most love the smiley pics above. I think she enjoyed the process of eating but not a whole lot of it made it into her tummy and she was just as fussy when it was all done. Since I am not really ready for the extra effort feeding her would take, I don't think I'll be giving her regular meals quite yet.

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