Friday, January 2, 2015

New Years Eve

The day before New Years was pretty uneventful. Lucy did however add some excitement to it by dressing herself in jeans, a dress and this colorful jacket and dancing around like a wild child:

We didn't have any plans for New Year's Eve so we enjoyed a nice night in. The boys played their own creative version of Chess, I put on "The Sound of Music", we got pizza from my favorite place and at 8:30pm we watched a pretend countdown on Netflix and drank some sparkling cider. It actually turned out to be a pretty perfect night. 

I would definitely say that 2014 was a year full of adventures. The adventure of living in a new state that has weather like nothing I've ever experienced before, a state overflowing with green and beauty, a state full of great places to explore and visit. The adventure of traveling to a new place to visit friends- Tennessee. The adventure of having a fourth baby away from all my Arizona family and friends and learning to adjust my life to fit her in. The adventure of meeting new friends here in Michigan and learning what life is like in a place where members of the church are fewer and more spread out. And all this adventure took place with a husband. A husband who previously worked 3 jobs and was going to school and was rarely home. A husband who now has no school, one job and is able to be home. 

Really this year has been amazing and I feel overwhelmingly blessed. I have 4 beautiful, healthy children, I have a roof over my head, my family has clothes that keep us warm, my husband has a job that he loves, we have cars that are paid off and get us to where we need to go....Life is good and I look forward to the adventures that 2015 will bring.

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