Thursday, October 30, 2014


On Saturday we went to Long's Farm to pick out our pumpkins. We did the picking quickly, took our abnormally big pumpkins back to the car and then we went back for some fun and doughnuts.

Not only did Long's Farm have big pumpkins but they also had this large rocking chair:

Or maybe it wasn't the chair that was large, maybe someone had shrunk our kids! Just to make sure they were still the same size, we measured each of them using this handy sign the farm provided:

After being reassured that our kids hadn't shrunk, we enjoyed some yummy doughnuts using these handy pumpkins as chairs:

After eating tasty doughnuts we headed home and got dressed in our costumes. Then we met up with the neighbors so we could go trick or treating at the shops in Downtown Milford.

There was a large turn out for this event (probably because of the beautiful weather that day) which meant walking very slowly in a line to get from store to store. Not quite what we expected but the kids were happy with their loot and I fun chatting with the neighbors. 

Monday was the day we had decided would be our pumpkin carving day. Unfortunately Tyler had forgotten that Steven had a scout meeting that night (that's right my Steven is a Tiger Cub these days)so that meant we had less time to carve them which meant that Tyler did most of the grunt work. Who am I kidding? This meant that Tyler did ALL of the work. But at least he enjoyed it: 

The boys drew pictures to show what they wanted their pumpkins to look like. They're kind of hard to see but here are there designs:

Considering how small Ben's design was, we thought it best that one of us convey his ideas onto a pumpkin but Steven was allowed to draw out his design on his pumpkin:

Then Tyler cut out their designs and quickly rushed off to Scouts before I could get a picture. SO Ben got to pose with Steven's pumpkin:

And then his:

Tyler has a pumpkin too but due to the rushing off, he didn't get a chance to do his own. Hopefully he'll get to it before Halloween!

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