Saturday, October 11, 2014

My Girls & My Boys

The other morning after dropping Steven off at school these hideous numbers showed up in my van:

It's been awhile since I've seen those numbers at 9 in the morning and I am less than pleased. I hope they go away and don't come back until at least December because I was just starting to like Fall- all the pretty colored leaves dancing around the streets!

But this face can make up for cold temperatures right!?:

Penny still gives me grief but she is having longer periods of happiness and smaller periods of fussiness so maybe the Reflux medicine is working!? But I'm not going to jinx it, she's still our worst, most fussiest baby yet. See look at this crabby face:

PS: Do her eyebrows and hair look red to you? I'm starting to think we may have our first genuine red headed kid but it's a bit hard to tell since she is sort of lacking in the hair department..

 And my other girl might be trying to compete with Penny for most fussiest award. She has periods of intense personality cuteness. Like when she put on her daddy's safety glasses and screamed "CHEE!!" and then made this face when I took the picture she had requested:

Then there was that time she let me pile her mullet hair into something that resembled an antennae and she loved every moment of it:

But she also has moments of intense "I want it!!!" and she will scream and cry because she ain't getting it. And it seems like there are a lot of moments lately. And no, I have not taken pictures of these moments because her screaming is much louder than Penny's and the goal is to stay as far away as possible from the loudness during these awful moments.

My boys on the other hand have been doing a lot better behavior wise- thanks to my awesome clip chart! Benny finally earned his first rewards (lunch with Tyler) and Steven earned his second reward, a toy at 5&Below (like the dollar store only everything is $5 or less). And on top of that, they worked super hard cleaning up leaves with Tyler today and finally earned enough money to buy LEGO's (they've been saving their pennies for months now):

 I hope the good behavior keeps up! And while we're talking positively, I discovered some delicious pizza that is only a few minutes away! Fresco Pizza Cafe is SO SO good!

And I will end by sharing something that is only for journaling purposes. Men (ahem *Mike* *Dad*)I highly recommend you stop reading because this will be too much info for you. Just end at the picture of the delicious pizza. It's delicious looking isn't it?

This week I got an IUD (a form of birth control) because after this last traumatizing c-section and this very crazy baby that has come into our lives, I DO NOT want more kids right now. I really think I am done but an IUD is less permanent than getting my tubes tied and can last 5 years. So if for some crazy reason in 5 years (or less) I change my mind I can still have another baby. BUT, the process of getting an IUD is TERRIBLE! The doctor was like "it might hurt some but most people don't feel a thing" and then she went about messing with my cervix and I was like "sweet mother or pearl, kill me now!" and yes that awful pain lasted less than a minute but it was awful! And having to sit there and relax your open legs like everything is hunky dory is a terrible thing. And now I am feeling traumatized again. But at least it's in (and hopefully it doesn't fall out, I should really stop googling things on the internet) and all the painful cramping and side effects are done. SO yeah, now I have 5 years before I actually have to be decisive. And you have 5 years before I have to share this TMI with you again...unless of course it falls out....


  1. I got my first IUD when Jaylee was 6 weeks old and after 4 weeks I knew something was wrong. It just hurt too much, the cramping and bleeding. I went in to get it checked and the PA put it in wrong so the DR. used a camera inserted up there to make sure it was in the right way. I love not having regular periods! I usually don't even know when they are. I do get a little paranoid when a year has passed wondering if it's going to fall out or not

  2. I don't even know what to say about this post. So much randomness ;) Mostly, I just can't wait to see you in person. A month and a half seems way too far way. Maybe it's a little less than that. Yay!
