Saturday, October 4, 2014


I really wanted to go pick some apples and buy some fresh doughnuts and cider because how often did I get to do that in AZ!? But I did not want to have to deal with crowds because Penny doesn't stay happy very long in public. So we decided to avoid the weekend rush and went for Family Home Evening instead. It meant missing the hayride to the orchards (that only runs on the weekends) but it worked effectively- we missed the crowds!And we still had fun picking a peck of apples:

Tyler driving from the Red Delicious apples to the Golden Delicious apples while feeding Penny in her carrier- now that's talent!

Lucy was really determined to pick the apples on her own:

Me showing of my peck of apples (and my crazy children):

After picking our apples, we went into the store at Spicer's Orchard and got some fresh doughnuts and cider and then headed back home. We decided to stop at a nearby "waterfall" (because it was conveniently located next to a Chinese Food place) and eat our doughnuts there (so yummy!):

 This week (before the weather got freezing cold again) we went on a walk with the purpose of gathering our favorite fall leaves. Here's what we ended up with:

Penelope seemed to enjoy the walk too- well at least she didn't cry:

We love getting packages and we were lucky enough to get one this week from Grandma. Inside was this cute dress up outfit, minus the red eyes, Lucy looks exceptionally adorable in it:

I'm considering having her wear it for Halloween. The only problem will be keeping her warm in it...

I'm amazed out how quickly time seems to pass by- especially since the addition of Penny. October is here already! Penny is 6 weeks old (and still a fussy little peanut). Lucy adds more real words to her gibberish everyday (like "treat" and "see"). Steven is becoming quite the reader and doing really well with his Math addition & subtraction facts. And Ben is finally learning how to use a pair of scissors! Some days I feel like it's a miracle I'm still alive at the end of the day (or more so a miracle that my kids are still alive) and others are surprisingly easy. But the one thing I am grateful for is that I get to be home, and I get to be the one raising my crazy kids and trying to teach them good behavior (PS the behavior clip chart seems to be helping, at least for Steven). I am truly blessed!

1 comment:

  1. No - go away cold!!! Super cute picture of Ben and the leaves. I ordered my "project" this morning and I wish I had thought to come look at your blog for pictures to steal! Duh! I don't know why I only think of Facebook. I will remember for the future :)
