Saturday, November 1, 2014


This week was Halloween! As per tradition we had Halloween themed food this week. We had mummy dogs, bloody eyeballs (spaghetti and meatballs), a sandwich shaped like a tombstone, ghost pizza and we had these fun spider sandwiches:

We also got a Halloween gift in the mail from Grandma & Grandpa Hatch that consisted of candy in a bucket, obviously the kids loved that gift. Here's Benny posing with the candy bucket: 

And Benny having some fun with the box it came in and the plastic wrap:

Halloween this year was absolutely freezing. It was 37 degrees when the kids first headed out and there was even some light snowing. Lucy had to wear pants over her tights and a coat in which we pinned her cape too:

Benny had on long underwear and a sweatshirt under his costume:

And to keep Steven warm, he had on long underwear and a jacket under his army costume:

I decided it was too cold for Penny to go out but I didn't want her to feel completely left out so I put on her Minnie Mouse hat and let her pose in the group shot too. Unfortunately she must have known that she was the only Hatch kid not in a real costume and that she was getting left behind because she was not happy:

So here's a shot of the kids without the crying baby:

Anyways the kids had lots of fun trick or treating and they even got full size candy from one house- made me feel like a cheapskate with my all my lame non-chocolate candy. But I had fun staying at home with Penny and passing out candy. I enjoyed seeing the kids in our neighborhood in their costumes and it was probably the most social I've been all week. But like our neighborhood of old, many people come to trick or treat here and we ran out of candy after an hour. So when the kids came home, we turned out the lights and watched a "scary" movie on Netflix ("Mutant Carrots") and of course gorged out on Halloween candy. A perfect Halloween!

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