Saturday, October 25, 2014

Kid Updates

Penny got her 2 month check up this week and I still can't believe how tiny she is! She weighs just 9lb 7oz! I'm pretty sure all my other kids weighed that by the time they were 2 weeks old. The doctor wasn't hugely worried about her smallness (at least she is gaining weight, even if it's only a little bit) but the doctor also thinks Reflux is probably to blame. She prescribed Penny a different medicine to try out and recommended adding some probiotics to some bottles. I am not loving drugging up my baby so much but I really do want her to feel better and be happier. She is still really trying my patience with her frequent crying spells- lucky for her, she is adorable!

Lucy is apparently going to like guys with a beard. When Tyler starts getting stubble, she likes to sit in his lap and stroke it. It's pretty darn cute! Also, she is getting super chatty these days. Here is a list of some words/phrases she's been using lately:

"Want it" (exclaimed often)
"Benny did it" (said whenever Ben or Steven upset her)
"That funny" (usually in reference to something on TV)
"Pwetty" (she said this when she found one of Penny's hairbows)
"TT" (that's what she calls the TV)
"Treat" (snacks are called this as well)
"Please" (when she is desperate for something)
"Yuck" (often said during diaper changes)

This week I had a conference with Steven's teacher, Mrs. Rupp. I really like his teacher and maybe because she had so many good things to say about him!? He is right on target in all subjects and he is excited to learn. I love to hear that! He even wrote a book about tornadoes and was able to read it to his whole class. Now I tease him that he's a famous author. 

Of course he isn't perfect, and he struggles with talking to friends during carpet time and silent reading time but at least that means he has friends right!?

Yesterday he taped up some paper on the kitchen wall and then wrote out his daily schedule. It was pretty cute, too bad he used highlighter so its super hard to see:

Benny has been major fighting with Lucy lately, it's almost enough to tempt me to pay the high price and put him in preschool. Almost... Recently we've been working on identifying and writing numbers. We've also been working on letter sounds. He is always a bit slow to catch on but once it clicks he does well. It's fun to see him progress and the fact that he is progressing makes me not want to pay a bazillion dollars for him to go to preschool. But it would be nice to not have to listen to him fighting with Lucy all day.

The other day, I packed the kids in the car and then ran back inside to grab something. When I got back in the car I caught Ben singing along to a song in the radio. It is so impressive how kids retain lyrics and it makes me realize how careful I need to screen my music. I'm not sure "Animal" by Maroon 5 is the best song for a 4 year old to sing.

And we'll end with an embarrassing story about me. Yesterday while Lucy was napping I thought I might go sit on the porch with Penny for a bit and Benny followed me out. The only problem was I shut the door behind us. I should not have shut that door. Our side door can only be opened from the inside and our front and back door were locked so I essentially locked us out. I called Tyler to save us but he wasn't close by and really couldn't. He suggested using a credit card to jimmy open the side door but of course I didn't have one. I ended up at our neighbor's house (one I don't know well) asking for help. It was awkward and embarrassing and in the end he was no help- apparently he doesn't pick locks for a living. But by some miracle, one of the back windows ended up opening and he hoisted Benny in and all was well. Ugh, apparently shutting doors behind you is a bad habit to have. Who knew!?

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