Saturday, October 18, 2014

Leaves and other things

Fall is officially at its peak here in Milford. Everywhere I go my eyes are assaulted by shades of red, orange, and yellow. It makes every drive a scenic drive, even the drive in our own neighborhood. Here is a picture of the tree in our front yard, fully changed now:

And with that change in color comes leaves! Lots and lots of leaves!! I though that we had quite a bit of leaves before but is nothing compared to what it is now:

The funny thing is that Tyler and the boys had just picked up leaves 4 days before these pictures were taken (there is a sidewalk under these leaves!): 

But the best part of all these leaves is the piles that they make. That night the kids had a major leaf jumping and throwing party- it was so fun! And then they had another one with the neighbor's kids the next night. And through all that fun we met a boy from Steven's classroom who lives just down the street. Apparently playing in leaves encourages socialness so we must do it often! And thankfully the weather listened to me and the 40's stayed away for the week making it possible for lots of outside leaf playing and friend making! 

Here are some other pictures of our outside time:

Of course this week hasn't just been leaf playing fun. Here are some other things that happened: 

-We turned our door into a monster. The boys have dubbed him Bob the Zombie:

-Miss Penny remained undecided about whether to be a well behaved baby or very fussy baby. For half the week she cried and cried until I went a bit nutty and then for the other half of the week she was a perfect Saint. Can you tell which half of the week each picture was taken in?

-Miss Lucy has become very opinionated about what she wears. She insists on picking out her own outfits and occasionally these outfits include  her brother's shirts:

-I got my annual haircut (and Lucy got her mullet cut as well if you can tell in all the above pictures of her). I hate taking selfies but here it is, I got an A line cut with some bangs:

This week was a very, very crazy week. Apparently I jinked the boy's  behavior when I said in my last post they were doing much better. I can honestly say that I am very glad to say goodbye to this week. This long, crazy week that included a zillion Lucy tantrums, lots of back talk from a certain 6 year old, lots of fighting, Lucy throwing up all over herself in the car, a broken side mirror on my van, and other equally fun events. On the bright side, only 33 days until we go to Arizona! So excited!

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