Monday, September 29, 2014


The weather here decided to warm itself up and it has been beautiful this week- highs in the 70's, lows in the 50's! We decided that this good weather meant it was finally time to use the M150 firecrackers that Poppy Hatch had got the kids. Tyler had built a house out of Popsicle sticks and his goal was to explode it with the firecrackers. So we headed into Kensington Metropark to accomplish this goal:

As we hunted for a perfectly secluded to spot to accomplish our mission, we came across lots of acorns. The kids thought they were pretty cool:

Once we found our secluded spot, the kids sat down a safe distance away and got ready to see some action:

**Side note: Lucy got the red mark on her cheek while her and Ben were rough housing. I heard a thud and then Benny cried, "I didn't mean to!" He later told me he slipped and fell on her face. Sad day!


And...lameness! The house did not explode! One of the walls kind of broke but not at all what the kids were hoping for:

Penny was bored by it all:

Tyler made several more attempts to explode it but to no avail. The kids got a little closer each time, after the realized that it was doubtful there would be any flying debris:

Poor Tyler did TOO good of a job building his house:

This week I have not only been blessed with good weather but I've also been feeling blessed with good neighbors. Stefanie has been such a good friend to me. This week she had us over for her son's birthday, then we went together to a Fall event at Milford Central Park Saturday, and Sunday we went for a walk. It is so nice to have someone who I get along so well with living right next door to me. And our neighbor across the street, Aline, made this cute pacifier clip for Penny:

Some other moments from this week:

And all over the place were seeing splashes of color. I am loving my first experience with the colors of Fall. So pretty! These are 2 of my favorite trees I've seen in our neighborhood:

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