Saturday, August 9, 2014

Shopping & Things

With baby Penny being due in a week in a half and school starting up shortly after I have her, I decided to take Steven out on a date to do some early back to school shopping. We got some school supplies, a backpack, clothes and shoes.He is a tricky one to take shopping because he doesn't have much of an opinion and I am super indecisive so it took us FOREVER to pick things out (and by forever I mean almost 4 hours!). But we got the things that we had set out for and mostly everything we got was on sale (we found a monster backpack for $5!) so we celebrated our shopping success with: A&W Root Beer Floats! He claims the ice cream tastes like marshmallows:

On my birthday I decided I deserved a nap and while I was napping this happened:

And you can't even see what he did to his tummy and legs...Steven didn't let me take his picture but he was equally colored. Thank heavens it was washable markers!

When Tyler came home from work we went shopping for my birthday presents (we are getting pretty lame about birthdays here in Michigan). I got an outfit for after I have the baby (not as fat as pregnancy clothes but still fat clothes). And a new "diaper" backpack and watch:

After shopping we had Qdoba (it's similar to Chipolte) for dinner and then picked up some Oreo pie for my birthday cake (apparently we are becoming pie people here as well). My math husband decided to top my pie with 2(5+3+1):

Lucy REALLY liked the pie:

And today, we spent the morning at Milford Memories. It's a special festival they have in town every summer (literally 2 blocks away from us so we don't even have to worry about parking). It consists of lots of vendors selling cute crafty things, lots of carnival food, a kids craft tent, concerts, athletic competitions (basketball, fishing, running) and BEER! Hey, what's with the looks? Did you really think we entered the Beer tent, especially with my prego belly?? Sheesh! It also had a little play house with fake fires in the windows that the kids could put out with a genuine fire hose. Steven loved it! Ben started crying when asked if he wanted to do it. I don't understand that kid sometimes...

Here are the kids enjoying their snow cones:

Tyler got himself a mug because he has an obsession with buying soda cups:

And I used my birthday money that Tyler's grandparents gave me to get this awesome board for our kitchen. I could probably have made it for less but...I still love it!:

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