Sunday, August 24, 2014

Penelope at Home

So far having 4 kids hasn't been too difficult of a transition, of course I've had Tyler here to help out. (My parents took off on their own little vacation for the weekend but will be back Sunday night) I feel like we got right back into the swing of things Saturday as I wrote my thank you notes for the baby shower, took a grocery trip to Walmart, washed dishes and laundry and did all those other normal daily tasks that need to be done. I am still a little sore at the incision but grateful that I really do heal quickly. So even though the surgery itself is super traumatic, the recovery is definitely bearable. I can't walk a ton but I can certainly get around just fine at this point.

Saturday afternoon, Steven and Ben went to play at the neighbors house (goodness I feel blessed to have such a sweet, helpful neighbor!). When they came back from the neighbors, however, Steven came down with a fever. He must have got whatever Lucy had the previous weekend. He had a headache and was miserable. Thankfully, like Lucy, he recovered quickly and come Sunday morning he was just fine.

Here some pictures from Saturday:

I find it really hard to be productive because I really just want to snuggle with Penelope...

Sunday morning, Tyler and the kids ditched church too because we didn't want to risk spreading any germs that Steven might still have. And Tyler was sweet enough to bring me up breakfast:

Penelope had spent the first half of the night nursing every hour and then after midnight she started nursing every 3 hours. So it was nice to sleep in a bit, have some breakfast in bed and take a long uninterrupted shower.

The rest of Sunday has pretty much been spent blogging and enjoying this view:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting all the darling pictures of your new cutie. And I'm glad I can read your blog and hear how you are doing. It makes me feel not SO far away from your life :) I'm glad you are past the not so fun hospital part of having a baby. Hope you continue to heal quickly and hope there are no more sickies in your house! Love you!
