Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Flies, a bat and a rat

Oh, last week...First there were flies. Our house felt like it was under attack by flies. I was killing up to 20 a day and feeling quite powerful but also quite annoyed. I started to refer to them as "freakin' flies" and when Steven started referring to them in the same manner, I knew we had problems. So one night I asked Tyler to investigate the basement to see if something was rotting down there. I heard him go down and moments later I heard him running at full speed back up the stairs. 

Which leads me to our second fun moment last week, a bat. Yes, Tyler had his first encounter with a bat and it nearly scared him to death. Thankfully it seems to have made its way back out and does not seem to be roosting there. However, I am a bit concerned that a bat was able to fly in and out of our basement. How on Earth did it do that!?

And our fourth fun moment, the rat. When we went to check and make sure the bat was still gone we did indeed find something rotting. A nasty rat in one of our sticky traps. So nauseating but at least it can't attack our food anymore.

Not all of last week was awful though. On Saturday my friend in the ward, Bethany, threw me a baby shower ("A baby girl is about to hatch"). I kept telling her no one would come but she insisted on doing it and thankfully some people showed up. There were about 6 people from our Ward there and it was a nice low key event. Delicious food (ham sliders, cupcakes, fruit & veggies), good company and I got some cute things for little Penny and some diapers as well. 

And the other great thing, Grandma and Grandpa Brady arrived Sunday!

The kids are so excited to have them here and I am so glad to have their help! Especially because Lucy decided to get a stomach bug when they arrived here. She threw up that night at dinner time and was up all night with a fever. Apparently I'm not to get any rest at night before this baby gets here. But like I said, so glad my parents have been here. Poppy has been so good at keeping the boys entertained and my mom has been a big help with sick Lucy. And tomorrow, that's right I said tomorrow, I will become a mom of 4!

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