Sunday, August 24, 2014

Hospital Days

Our second day in the hospital, Thursday, was full of me attempting to walk around more, nurses torturing me by pulling of band aids, some tests and shots for Penelope and other such fun things. Penelope did fail her hearing test the first time she took it but she managed to pass it the next day. She also lost some weight. She went down to 7lb 6oz when they weighed her.

The day was also full of mini naps and nursing Penelope. We had this lactation consultant who came in and proclaimed that Penelope must have done this before because she was latched on and gulping so perfectly. The consultant also went on and on about how much Penelope had grown since the last time she had seen her ( had just been one day). This lady was pretty funny.

And an interesting fact about our hospital, it didn't provide wet wipes. It had these little towelettes that you had to moisten yourself in the sink. Lame right? They were also anti-pacifiers so we had to have my parents bring us in wet wipes and a pacifier. We were grateful for the contraband. They also brought these hooligans back in: 

Lucy absolutely adores Penelope, crying out "Baby! Baby!" when she sees her and smothering her with kisses. She also thinks of her as a doll and when she is done, she simply "tosses" her away. Hence why Tyler has to be so close by.

Grandma had to fight with Steven for time to hold her. That boy wants to hold her constantly and got jealous of "all the time" Grandma was taking. I had to explain to him that Grandma has to go back to AZ and won't get Penelope forever like we do. But he still is one persistent little stinker:

The next day, Friday, was spent with Lucy and I getting our last check ups so that we could be cleared to go home. As nice as it was having just one child to take care of, the hospital bed is just not comfy and there are always nurses disturbing our sleep at night so I was ready to leave. Mid afternoon my staples were taken out (ouch!) and then we were free to go:

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