This week sped by thanks to spending 3 mornings at the doctor's office. One for a normal baby check up and 2 for non stress tests (they listen to babies heartbeat for 20 minutes to make sure all is well). Thanks to my weird umbilical cord, I get to do 2 non stress tests a week until the baby comes. And though they are going to eat up my time, I have to say they are quite nice. Tyler comes home for a long lunch and watches the kids so that means I get a guaranteed 20 minutes of quiet time (minus the loud clip clopping of baby's heartbeat).
We had a tragedy strike near our home a few days ago. A dead squirrel was discovered in our driveway. Allegedly Tyler ran it over. Soon after the tragedy, another squirrel smelt its friends dead body and then appeared to be coming towards me and the kids in anger. Then it changed its mind and decided to sniff out a nearby jeep to see if it was the culprit. We are currently arming our home as we await the wrath of the deceased squirrel's friends and family ;)
On a happy note, I got to have my first ever girl's night since moving to Michigan. We went to Palate and got dessert (Samoa Cheesecake) with my neighbor Stefanie and one of her friends, Kim. It was so nice getting to know some other ladies even if I feel like a baby compared to them, they are both 38. It was also fun to get asked questions about the church from Kim. Even though I tend to give rambling answers, I do love sharing our beliefs.
Today we took a trip to a beach to Lakeshore Park. Tyler is way more fun than I am and actually got into the water with them. But despite his best efforts, Lucy still doesn't like the sand or water:

After playing in the water, Tyler proceeded to make the kids a mini lake which they would crash open and watch it spill out. They did this like a bazillion times. Benny thought that it was hilarious that the holey bucket he used to fill up the lake with was "peeing":
And with all the Hatch fun last weekend, I didn't get around to posting some things that were accomplished recently. Here is the painting I finished for Penny:
And Tyler finished Lucy's big girl bed:
that's also nice to get frequent checks ups to make sure baby is happy and healthy. LOVE your painting, LOVE the bed. so many fun things!