This week we all got to take a turn throwing up. Each of the kids threw up once and then they were totally fine. Tyler and I were less lucky, we were both sick all day Saturday. It was miserable, especially since I had finally gotten us a babysitter for that night- I had been looking forward to our date night ALL week but we had to cancel :( Now I have to wait another week. Boo!
But on a slightly funny note, after Ben threw up, I asked him why he threw up. He said he had smelled something bad. So I asked him what he had smelled. His reply, "Grass." Ummm... maybe the rats are down in our basement smoking "grass"?
And speaking of funny Ben, one afternoon I was reading this terribly sad and touching blog ( and I was bawling like only a pregnant mommy can and Ben happened to notice and asks me, "Mommy, why do your eyebrows look sad?"
I was SO excited for Thursday because we were supposed to hit the 40's (a temperature we had NEVER seen here). And we did hit them! So despite the fact that there was rain in the forecast and the sidewalks were all terribly icy, I took Ben & Lucy out for a walk to a nearby bakery. We only slipped a few times but we made it there in one piece, and without getting rained on and I didn't feel the least bit cold. As soon as we sat down to eat our doughnuts though, instead of the forecasted rain, big beautiful snowflakes stated falling down (at least those are my favorite kind). Thankfully our home was only a short walk away but it was quite the adventure trying not to slip on all the ice that was now covered in a light blanket of snow. And we did get quite soggy from melted flakes. But it was SO nice to get some fresh air, so worth it!
Here's a pic of the snow covering our driveway that had just that morning been completely snow free:
Because of all the icy back roads and strong winds, school was cancelled Friday. Ugh! Steven had just had Monday-Wednesday off for a random February holiday and he was getting bored (which means whining and fighting). So I tried to make the day fun...we did "science", played with Play-Doh, and even ventured out (despite the weather) to the library. Nevertheless, I am SO SO SO ready for a normal week of school! There is way to much school cancellation here in Michigan...
Anyways, by the time late afternoon rolled around on Friday, the kids were making me extremely crazy so I decided a trip to a museum was in order. When Tyler came home we went to the Cranbrook Institute of Science Museum. Best idea ever! It currently had a dinosaur exhibit which was totally awesome...
The boys were totally fascinated by this thing that was like a giant marble tower...
Lucy had fun following everyone around and watching her dad attempt to spin some tops...
And the coolest thing yet was getting to see Jupiter through a high powered telescope. Totally awesome! Equally cool was the fact that we practically had the museum to ourselves. We rarely saw anyone else and when we did it was just as we were leaving an exhibit. Anyways, definitely a highlight of the week.
And lets end with an adorable pic of Lucy...

You are looking so brave to me with your adventures in the snow - with children!