Saturday, February 15, 2014

Steven Turns 6

Ugh, I can't believe I'm old enough to have a 6 year old. Where does time go? Favorite things about my 6 year old? I love how much he loves learning about things. I love the silly questions he asks. I love it when he plays nicely with his siblings. I love his new desire to break out board or card game to play. I love the stories he tells, especially when they are accompanied by pictures. I love that he still like to have me read to him and that he wants to sit on my lap while I do it. I love that he can frequently be heard saying thank you. Pretty much blessed to have such a fun kid :)

Monday was Steven's actual birthday but Tyler was going to N.Michigan for a work trip so we celebrated Steven's birthday that weekend. We are starting to make it a tradition for the boys to pick one fun thing to do on their special day, it's cheaper than throwing an elaborate party. Steven wanted to go see "The Lego Movie,"and it was a hit for all 3 boys and I am feeling very jealous that I had to stay at home with Lucy and wasn't able to go.

Sunday, Tyler made Steven a monster cake, as requested. Although, I think it looks more alien than monster... And then we had the quietest birthday celebration ever. So weird to not have all of our family there. But at least Steven was able to video chat with his cousins and grandmas and grandpas that night.

He got exactly what he requested: a science kit and a Lego kit. He had so much fun putting together the Lego's (he actually does pretty good at following the directions) and between that and the movie, he is officially Lego obsessed. The science kit, on the other hand, he found a bit disappointing. Any time we do the "experiments" he always comments, "It doesn't look like the box!" Such a bummer when reality doesn't match the pictures...

Steven and Lucy enjoyed the green cake thoroughly...

Steven also got ridiculously spoiled by Grandmas & Grandpas & Great Grandma & Great Grandpa and had tons of money to spend at Toys R Us. It was funny to go through the store and have him asking how much he would have left if he bought this toy or that toy. If the amount was small, he would typically put the toy back and keep moving. In the end he got 2 more Lego sets, a Monster Inc. vehicle, Scooby Doo action figures, and a magic 8 ball (hilarious to listen him to constantly ask "the all knowing ball" questions). Spoiled rotten!

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