Saturday, February 15, 2014


I think the one perk of living 33 hours away from all your family is getting packages! I absolutely love getting mail! Both sets of grandparents sent the kid's Valentine's gift (and something for Tyler & me too). The kids loved all the yummy candy and cute things they got. Can't you just tell by Ben's smile!?

On Valentine's Day I did not make the kids a cute Pinterest inspired breakfast, I am just not a morning person. But I did give them each a little gift in the morning (sticker books & candy). 

While Steven was at school & Lucy was napping, Ben & I made some heart cookies. I have determined cutting out cookies is way more fun with just one kid. A lot less chaotic.

And when Steven got home from school, even though it was like 30 minutes until dinner time, we decorated and hogged down on our heart cookies...

After the cookies we had heart pizza for dinner (Tyler said the heart looks like it belong to a sick person, such a sweetie):

And I asked Tyler to get me something thoughtful and romantic for Valentine's Day, and shockingly he did such. In the necklace are 2 boys & 1 girl, each decked out in the appropriate birthstone, a heart the color of baby to be's birthstone and a golf charm to represent how we met. 

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