Saturday, February 15, 2014

Odds and Ends

Some moments from our week...

Lucy & Ben love to spend time reading in her room

I hear Ben ask, "Do you like my beard?" and turn around to see this:

Lucy, by herself, got a plastic bowl out and then got out the box of Goldfish- Mrs. Independent. After looking at both for awhile, perplexed on how to get the Goldfish to the bowl, she came to me for help. It's nice to know that I'm still needed :)

Lucy flashing her "Chee!" smile while playing peek a boo in the downstairs bathtub

Benny was looking at pictures and saw one of us at the park and asked if we could go to the park. I said, "No way! Don't you know where we live!?" He smartly replied, "In Michigan!" After that he stared at the window for awhile, and then asked me, "Is it Michigan outside?" Yes, yes it is. And check out the ever growing icicles on our home for proof:

1 comment:

  1. CUTE kiddos. Oliver is finally saying "cheese" when I get the camera out. So cute.
