Sunday, February 23, 2014


This week we all got to take a turn throwing up. Each of the kids threw up once and then they were totally fine. Tyler and I were less lucky, we were both sick all day Saturday. It was miserable, especially since I had finally gotten us a babysitter for that night- I had been looking forward to our date night ALL week but we had to cancel :( Now I have to wait another week. Boo!

But on a slightly funny note, after Ben threw up, I asked him why he threw up. He said he had smelled something bad. So I asked him what he had smelled. His reply, "Grass." Ummm... maybe the rats are down in our basement smoking "grass"? 

And speaking of funny Ben, one afternoon I was reading this terribly sad and touching blog ( and I was bawling like only a pregnant mommy can and Ben happened to notice and asks me, "Mommy, why do your eyebrows look sad?" 

I was SO excited for Thursday because we were supposed to hit the 40's (a temperature we had NEVER seen here). And we did hit them! So despite the fact that there was rain in the forecast and the sidewalks were all terribly icy, I took Ben & Lucy out for a walk to a nearby bakery. We only slipped a few times but we made it there in one piece, and without getting rained on and I didn't feel the least bit cold. As soon as we sat down to eat our doughnuts though, instead of the forecasted rain, big beautiful snowflakes stated falling down (at least those are my favorite kind). Thankfully our home was only a short walk away but it was quite the adventure trying not to slip on all the ice that was now covered in a light blanket of snow. And we did get quite soggy from melted flakes. But it was SO nice to get some fresh air, so worth it! 

Here's a pic of the snow covering our driveway that had just that morning been completely snow free:

Because of all the icy back roads and strong winds, school was cancelled Friday. Ugh! Steven had just had Monday-Wednesday off for a random February holiday and he was getting bored (which means whining and fighting). So I tried to make the day fun...we did "science", played with Play-Doh, and even ventured out (despite the weather) to the library. Nevertheless, I am SO SO SO ready for a normal week of school! There is way to much school cancellation here in Michigan...

Anyways, by the time late afternoon rolled around on Friday, the kids were making me extremely crazy so I decided a trip to a museum was in order. When Tyler came home we went to the Cranbrook Institute of Science Museum. Best idea ever! It currently had a dinosaur exhibit which was totally awesome...

The boys were totally fascinated by this thing that was like a giant marble tower...

Lucy had fun following everyone around and watching her dad attempt to spin some tops...

And the coolest thing yet was getting to see Jupiter through a high powered telescope. Totally awesome! Equally cool was the fact that we practically had the museum to ourselves. We rarely saw anyone else and when we did it was just as we were leaving an exhibit. Anyways, definitely a highlight of the week.

And lets end with an adorable pic of Lucy...

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Odds and Ends

Some moments from our week...

Lucy & Ben love to spend time reading in her room

I hear Ben ask, "Do you like my beard?" and turn around to see this:

Lucy, by herself, got a plastic bowl out and then got out the box of Goldfish- Mrs. Independent. After looking at both for awhile, perplexed on how to get the Goldfish to the bowl, she came to me for help. It's nice to know that I'm still needed :)

Lucy flashing her "Chee!" smile while playing peek a boo in the downstairs bathtub

Benny was looking at pictures and saw one of us at the park and asked if we could go to the park. I said, "No way! Don't you know where we live!?" He smartly replied, "In Michigan!" After that he stared at the window for awhile, and then asked me, "Is it Michigan outside?" Yes, yes it is. And check out the ever growing icicles on our home for proof:


I think the one perk of living 33 hours away from all your family is getting packages! I absolutely love getting mail! Both sets of grandparents sent the kid's Valentine's gift (and something for Tyler & me too). The kids loved all the yummy candy and cute things they got. Can't you just tell by Ben's smile!?

On Valentine's Day I did not make the kids a cute Pinterest inspired breakfast, I am just not a morning person. But I did give them each a little gift in the morning (sticker books & candy). 

While Steven was at school & Lucy was napping, Ben & I made some heart cookies. I have determined cutting out cookies is way more fun with just one kid. A lot less chaotic.

And when Steven got home from school, even though it was like 30 minutes until dinner time, we decorated and hogged down on our heart cookies...

After the cookies we had heart pizza for dinner (Tyler said the heart looks like it belong to a sick person, such a sweetie):

And I asked Tyler to get me something thoughtful and romantic for Valentine's Day, and shockingly he did such. In the necklace are 2 boys & 1 girl, each decked out in the appropriate birthstone, a heart the color of baby to be's birthstone and a golf charm to represent how we met. 

Steven Turns 6

Ugh, I can't believe I'm old enough to have a 6 year old. Where does time go? Favorite things about my 6 year old? I love how much he loves learning about things. I love the silly questions he asks. I love it when he plays nicely with his siblings. I love his new desire to break out board or card game to play. I love the stories he tells, especially when they are accompanied by pictures. I love that he still like to have me read to him and that he wants to sit on my lap while I do it. I love that he can frequently be heard saying thank you. Pretty much blessed to have such a fun kid :)

Monday was Steven's actual birthday but Tyler was going to N.Michigan for a work trip so we celebrated Steven's birthday that weekend. We are starting to make it a tradition for the boys to pick one fun thing to do on their special day, it's cheaper than throwing an elaborate party. Steven wanted to go see "The Lego Movie,"and it was a hit for all 3 boys and I am feeling very jealous that I had to stay at home with Lucy and wasn't able to go.

Sunday, Tyler made Steven a monster cake, as requested. Although, I think it looks more alien than monster... And then we had the quietest birthday celebration ever. So weird to not have all of our family there. But at least Steven was able to video chat with his cousins and grandmas and grandpas that night.

He got exactly what he requested: a science kit and a Lego kit. He had so much fun putting together the Lego's (he actually does pretty good at following the directions) and between that and the movie, he is officially Lego obsessed. The science kit, on the other hand, he found a bit disappointing. Any time we do the "experiments" he always comments, "It doesn't look like the box!" Such a bummer when reality doesn't match the pictures...

Steven and Lucy enjoyed the green cake thoroughly...

Steven also got ridiculously spoiled by Grandmas & Grandpas & Great Grandma & Great Grandpa and had tons of money to spend at Toys R Us. It was funny to go through the store and have him asking how much he would have left if he bought this toy or that toy. If the amount was small, he would typically put the toy back and keep moving. In the end he got 2 more Lego sets, a Monster Inc. vehicle, Scooby Doo action figures, and a magic 8 ball (hilarious to listen him to constantly ask "the all knowing ball" questions). Spoiled rotten!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Doctor's Visits

This week Lucy and I both got to visit the doctor. Lucy's doctor visit did not go so well. Her new doctor was positively awful and we will not be returning to see him. I have seen a variety of doctor's at our pediatric office in Arizona and while I didn't always love them, I never felt so strongly opposed to one before. From the get go, he was just no good. He started off by yelling at her in a very mean tone to look a certain direction or to stop moving. I am sorry but she is 15 months, and she can remember now that the doctor's office equal painful shots so she doesn't like them. And a big, scary, unknown man yelling at her is not going to get her to cooperate. Maybe you could try being nice??

Later, when Ben was getting upset with Lucy because she was trying to take a book from him, the doctor decided to butt in and lectured Benny that Lucy was just a baby and we needed her to be quiet and happy so Benny needed to let her have the book. And yet, moments later he was giving me some unsolicited advice about how to raise my baby so she wasn't a brat and giving me examples of how smart babies are and how easily "trained" they can be. *Vomit*

Anyways, enough venting, here are some fun facts about Lucy at 15 months. She is 32 inches tall which puts her in the 95th percentile. She weighs 23.9 pounds which puts her in the 75th percentile. She loves to toddle after her brothers, kick at snow piles, climb on pretty much anything (I constantly hear "mom she's on the table again!") and she can occasionally be seen dancing to songs. She can say "Cheee" (cheese) "This" "Mama" "Da" "Uh-oh" "Tickle,tickle" "Hi" and "Bye". She can also roar (she does so when she she sees pretty much any animal), she imitates my phone's notification tone and she knows what the fox says ;). She also does a great foot stomping dance when she doesn't get what she wants or is told no. If it wasn't so bratty it would be pretty adorable...

And here's pictures of my baby to be....

Can you make out the alien shaped head on the left and the little arms and hands nearby it? It was so much fun to see this little baby squirming around my tummy and to find out that my baby is healthy. The doctor was nice and very personable. He also likes to talk, a lot. The talking part would've been fine if I didn't have Lucy & Ben who were both in need of a nap (I so miss having people who could watch them for me when I went to these appointments!). But out of his socialness, I did get some restaurant recommendations and some pediatrician recommendations so that was nice :).  I definitely feel good about this office and look forward to meeting all the obgyn's that work there.

And to end this post shall we discuss Michigan weather? I keep hoping it will get warmer... and by warmer I mean like a high of 30's, but no such luck. It continues to be super duper cold and the we continue to get snow. And of course, we had to install stupid Progressive's Snapshot in my van the day before we got lots of snow (it tracks your driving habits to determine if you can get a discount on your insurance). That stinking thing is always beeping at me, and unjustifiably. I know I'm not a great driver but when I'm stuck in the thick snow that the plows have left at the bottom of my driveway I gotta get out somehow and yes that means gunning it. Oh well...Hopefully the forecast doesn't lie and there's really no snow in store until next weekend (especially since Tyler will be out of town all week and I don't know how to use a snow blower)! Fingers crossed!