Monday, May 6, 2013

Broken Bones & Comma

So I decided to be social last Thursday and plan a play date. My sister-in-law Melissa came and so did Mary (wife to my husband's good high school friend, Josh). Well, apparently I shouldn't plan things because it did not go well. First, I got to the San Tan Mall (where we had planned to meet) and the play place was closed for repairs. So I quickly called everybody and we headed out to the Superstition Mall instead. 

I think we were at that mall for a total of like 10 minutes before Miles (Melissa's son) took a leap off the "house" in the middle of the play place. I heard him shriek and then cry so I told Melissa. I didn't think much of it until she came back saying that she thought he broke something. He indeed had. I had never seen a broken arm before and I don't ever want to again- so gross! And so sad! Melissa handled it all so well (I would have been acting like a crazy mom if it had been me). I took her baby, Kyle, and she took Miles to the hospital. And now Miles has a lovely sling and cast. Poor kids is just like his clumsy dad :(

And also this week... have I told you about Steven's invisible friend? His name is Comma (that's right, just like the punctuation mark). Well, on Sunday we received very bad news, Comma had died in a house fire. I was concerned because I thought Comma lived in our house but I was informed he had his own house and now all the Comma's were dead (apparently there are several of them). But never fear, Comma came back from heaven!!! And he/she? has now returned to Steven's side to do all sorts of devious things that I usually incorrectly blame Steven for. But be careful, Steven informed us, if you cry Comma will return to heaven.

And speaking of creepy...The other day I was in the living room with Lucy (laying on the floor) and Steven was on the couch. Ben was asleep and Tyler was out working and suddenly Steven got real quiet, and said, "Someone just walked behind me!" I quickly told him, "Don't say that, that's creepy!" He replied, "It's just the cry baby ghost." Yes, my son sees dead people. I'm sure of it.

And 2 cute pictures--Lucy's hair flower doesn't really match her clothes in the first picture and is askew in the second but her Grandma Hatch got it for her (which is way unusual for her to randomly get anything for my kids) so I had to photograph it :)

P.S. Lucy is consistent in being inconsistent with her feeding & sleeping schedule. On the bright side (though I am probably cursing it) she has been really good at nights lately. Not waking up officially until 6 or later. Goodness I hope it continues!!

P.P.S. I have been night time potty training Ben and last night was a success (3rd night in underwear). Hoping that, that will become a pattern and that he won't be 5 (like Steven was) when he's officially potty trained at night!

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