It's embarrassing to admit but here it goes, I have over 1,000 pins on Pinterest. In my defense I have been on it for over a year so all it takes is a few pins a day to reach such a grand total! So don't judge me too harshly! OK!?
But ANYWAYS, every once in awhile I actually try out one of my thousand pins and it usually turns out quite well. Yesterday was one of these such days and the kids were the ones to benefit. As inspired from Pinterest, we filled the bottom of a container with baking soda, filled a few cups with vinegar, dyed the vinegar different colors and then kids got to work filling eye droppers with vinegar and dropping it on the baking soda. They did have fun, maybe not hours of fun like the pin said but still fun. They at least lasted through one nursing session before they had completely colored their fizzing baking soda :)
We also were inspired by Pinterest to freeze some of their action figures in containers of water and also to freeze some inside water filled balloons. Then they were supposed to spend hours trying to break their "bad guys" out with a spoon. But apparently my kids are geniuses because they realized in exactly 2 minutes that they could save themselves hours of hard work by simply throwing their balls of ice to save their guys. Although Ben did try to lick his out at first so maybe I should retract the genius statement?
And my last Pinterest inspired idea, Jezerea's graduation gift. Although I missed her graduation day due to overcrowding at the stadium and too late of a party for the kids, I did give her the BEST gift ever. A bumble bee umbrella that "rained money." That's right, I can make it rain money! Sure there's only $20 there but when you get in 1 dollar bills and you hang it from a super adorable umbrella, you're bound to be loved for it :)

Best mom ever. And best sister-in-law ever. Except... where was my umbrella for graduating ASU? ;)