Saturday, May 18, 2013

Fun Times


Today I remembered to snap a picture of Lucy looking adorable in her swimsuit before we headed out. We originally headed out to the Tempe Splash Playground because the boys were BEGGING me ALL morning to go there. But apparently everybody else had the exact, same idea. The parking lot was full and I couldn't find a free, close by place to park so we went to a little splash pad at the Tempe Marketplace instead. They still had fun (even Lucy played in the water). Plus we had the added bonus of being serenaded by One Direction fans who were waiting in a huge line so they could get exclusive merchandise from a One Direction store that would only be here for 2 weeks. Silly girls.

Speaking of silly girls, Lucy is still sleeping through the night like a champ but now she is boycotting naps- ugh. But back to positives, she is sitting up for long periods of time, and rolling and scooting around on her belly like a champ. 

It has been a pretty calm week so Steven and I decided to do some pirate paintings. I am making a pirate bird for Ben and Steven is making a pirate ship. It was fun showing him how first I sketch it on paper, then I sketch it on the canvas and then comes the painting. I, of course, goofed and forgot (for both of us) background should be painted first but oh well. I suppose I am up for the challenge of trying to paint a background neatly around my bird and I doubt Steven will have any problems.

I know my feet aren't exactly something you are dying to look at but I had to show off the nail polish Steven got me. For some reason it doesn't look quite as bright as it does in person. Believe me when I say that it really lights up a room ;).

We also attended Jezerea's last choir concert this week. That means the last high school concert period for Tyler's siblings. Can you believe his youngest sister is graduating from high school next week?? She was such a young thing when we got married ;) And note to myself, taking 3 kids to a choir concert is a bad idea. The first couple songs they did the "Glee" thing and sang and danced to modern songs (which were interesting choices for a school concert) so those kept my kids attention but after that it was way to boring for a 5 year old and 3 year old. And then Lucy needed to eat so I nursed her and she kept trying to break out of my cover and expose me. And then all my nephews kept deciding that they needed to come sit by me and Steven which equals trouble. And....let's just say we didn't last the whole concert...


  1. You are an awesome painter! My boat might not even look as good as Steven's :(

  2. I haven't looked at your blog in ages. Booo! I love your pirate bird. So darling.
