Monday, May 13, 2013

May Days

This week...

-Tyler watched the kids while I was tutoring so I didn't have to drive the kids to my mom's house and back, it was wonderful to have that extra time....even if I wasted it on Facebook mostly and on this hilarious blog I discovered- check out this funny post:

- Wednesday I took the kids to a Stake Swim 'n Splash activity. This was held in the Stake RS Pres's backyard which was AmAzInG- every kid's dream! She has a playground, splash pad, pool, water table, bouncy water slide, slip 'n slide and there was food. The kids had a blast and Lucy looked adorable in her bathing suit- I wish I had taken a picture! Her chunky thighs were especially adorable :)

- I am finally feeling like I can bake again (made banana bread) and like I can watch other people's kids without stressing out (watched Colin & Jaylee Thurs morning and then a tid bit later I watched my nephew's Bryson & Boston).

-Tyler's aunt went through the temple for the first time (at last!!!) and we got to go! It has been almost a year since Tyler was in the temple so it was nice for us to be there together. I do love the temple and lately I have been able to go once a month by myself but there is something even better about going there with your spouse.

-We also got to go to dinner with his entire family and lots of extended family afterwards, it was nice. They are always entertaining.And as always (or so it seems) there was talk about boobs...So spiritual! But it wouldn't be a Hatch function if the conversation didn't go that way right!?

-Saturday night Tyler went out with the boys to do some last minute shopping for my Mother's Day gift. Despite his last minuteness, he did good. He got me a cute Maxi skirt, Steven picked out some excellent bright orange nail polish for me, Ben picked out some pretty pink roses for me, PLUS I got a box of caramel chocolates (my fav) and Tyler made me some strawberry crepes for breakfast Sunday morning(also my fav). Though I didn't get to sleep in and the boys were not quite on their best behavior it was still a good Mother's Day and there was the added bonus of getting to Skype with Tyler's sister Mariah who is on her mission- she is such a sweet, positive, loving person!

Here are my mother's day pictures---take by Steven :)

1 comment:

  1. It's been a year since Tyler's been to the temple? Sorry, that's unbelievable! Sounds like the story of a women going to the temple after being pregnant and having a newborn!
