Sunday, May 26, 2013

Lucy Girls

This morning I had some extra time and decided to take down a box of my baby clothing my mom had given me. In it I found this beautiful dress my mom had made and it looked like it might fit Lucy. So I tried it on and it fit perfectly! Imagine my amazement when I went I found the picture of me wearing it and the year on it was 1987! I am guessing it was taken around Easter so I was about 18 months old. Oh my chubby (almost) 7 month old girl! 

Everyone says she looks  a lot like me, what do you think?

Lucy and her silly daddy...

This week Lucy has been unhappy due to teething pain. She has 2 adorable teeth growing in on the bottom and one on top that looks like it will burst through any day now. Thankfully it hasn't affected her sleeping at night, but I think that's why naps have been tough lately. However, I've found if I let her nurse for a bit before putting her down she will nap a little better.

And Lucy with her silly brother...

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Pinterest Fun

It's embarrassing to admit but here it goes, I have over 1,000 pins on Pinterest. In my defense I have been on it for over a year so all it takes is a few pins a day to reach such a grand total! So don't judge me too harshly! OK!? 

But ANYWAYS, every once in awhile I actually try out one of my thousand pins and it usually turns out quite well. Yesterday was one of these such days and the kids were the ones to benefit. As inspired from Pinterest, we filled the bottom of a container with baking soda, filled a few cups with vinegar, dyed the vinegar different colors and then kids got to work filling eye droppers with vinegar and dropping it on the baking soda. They did have fun, maybe not hours of fun like the pin said but still fun. They at least lasted through one nursing session before they had completely colored their fizzing baking soda :)

We also were inspired by Pinterest to freeze some of their action figures in containers of water and also to freeze some inside water filled balloons. Then they were supposed to spend hours trying to break their "bad guys" out with a spoon. But apparently my kids are geniuses because they realized in exactly 2 minutes that they could save themselves hours of hard work by simply throwing their balls of ice to save their guys. Although Ben did try to lick his out at first so maybe I should retract the genius statement?

And my last Pinterest inspired idea, Jezerea's graduation gift. Although I missed her graduation day due to overcrowding at the stadium and too late of a party for the kids, I did give her the BEST gift ever. A bumble bee umbrella that "rained money." That's right, I can make it rain money! Sure there's only $20 there but when you get in 1 dollar bills and you hang it from a super adorable umbrella, you're bound to be loved for it :)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Fun Times


Today I remembered to snap a picture of Lucy looking adorable in her swimsuit before we headed out. We originally headed out to the Tempe Splash Playground because the boys were BEGGING me ALL morning to go there. But apparently everybody else had the exact, same idea. The parking lot was full and I couldn't find a free, close by place to park so we went to a little splash pad at the Tempe Marketplace instead. They still had fun (even Lucy played in the water). Plus we had the added bonus of being serenaded by One Direction fans who were waiting in a huge line so they could get exclusive merchandise from a One Direction store that would only be here for 2 weeks. Silly girls.

Speaking of silly girls, Lucy is still sleeping through the night like a champ but now she is boycotting naps- ugh. But back to positives, she is sitting up for long periods of time, and rolling and scooting around on her belly like a champ. 

It has been a pretty calm week so Steven and I decided to do some pirate paintings. I am making a pirate bird for Ben and Steven is making a pirate ship. It was fun showing him how first I sketch it on paper, then I sketch it on the canvas and then comes the painting. I, of course, goofed and forgot (for both of us) background should be painted first but oh well. I suppose I am up for the challenge of trying to paint a background neatly around my bird and I doubt Steven will have any problems.

I know my feet aren't exactly something you are dying to look at but I had to show off the nail polish Steven got me. For some reason it doesn't look quite as bright as it does in person. Believe me when I say that it really lights up a room ;).

We also attended Jezerea's last choir concert this week. That means the last high school concert period for Tyler's siblings. Can you believe his youngest sister is graduating from high school next week?? She was such a young thing when we got married ;) And note to myself, taking 3 kids to a choir concert is a bad idea. The first couple songs they did the "Glee" thing and sang and danced to modern songs (which were interesting choices for a school concert) so those kept my kids attention but after that it was way to boring for a 5 year old and 3 year old. And then Lucy needed to eat so I nursed her and she kept trying to break out of my cover and expose me. And then all my nephews kept deciding that they needed to come sit by me and Steven which equals trouble. And....let's just say we didn't last the whole concert...

Monday, May 13, 2013

May Days

This week...

-Tyler watched the kids while I was tutoring so I didn't have to drive the kids to my mom's house and back, it was wonderful to have that extra time....even if I wasted it on Facebook mostly and on this hilarious blog I discovered- check out this funny post:

- Wednesday I took the kids to a Stake Swim 'n Splash activity. This was held in the Stake RS Pres's backyard which was AmAzInG- every kid's dream! She has a playground, splash pad, pool, water table, bouncy water slide, slip 'n slide and there was food. The kids had a blast and Lucy looked adorable in her bathing suit- I wish I had taken a picture! Her chunky thighs were especially adorable :)

- I am finally feeling like I can bake again (made banana bread) and like I can watch other people's kids without stressing out (watched Colin & Jaylee Thurs morning and then a tid bit later I watched my nephew's Bryson & Boston).

-Tyler's aunt went through the temple for the first time (at last!!!) and we got to go! It has been almost a year since Tyler was in the temple so it was nice for us to be there together. I do love the temple and lately I have been able to go once a month by myself but there is something even better about going there with your spouse.

-We also got to go to dinner with his entire family and lots of extended family afterwards, it was nice. They are always entertaining.And as always (or so it seems) there was talk about boobs...So spiritual! But it wouldn't be a Hatch function if the conversation didn't go that way right!?

-Saturday night Tyler went out with the boys to do some last minute shopping for my Mother's Day gift. Despite his last minuteness, he did good. He got me a cute Maxi skirt, Steven picked out some excellent bright orange nail polish for me, Ben picked out some pretty pink roses for me, PLUS I got a box of caramel chocolates (my fav) and Tyler made me some strawberry crepes for breakfast Sunday morning(also my fav). Though I didn't get to sleep in and the boys were not quite on their best behavior it was still a good Mother's Day and there was the added bonus of getting to Skype with Tyler's sister Mariah who is on her mission- she is such a sweet, positive, loving person!

Here are my mother's day pictures---take by Steven :)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Broken Bones & Comma

So I decided to be social last Thursday and plan a play date. My sister-in-law Melissa came and so did Mary (wife to my husband's good high school friend, Josh). Well, apparently I shouldn't plan things because it did not go well. First, I got to the San Tan Mall (where we had planned to meet) and the play place was closed for repairs. So I quickly called everybody and we headed out to the Superstition Mall instead. 

I think we were at that mall for a total of like 10 minutes before Miles (Melissa's son) took a leap off the "house" in the middle of the play place. I heard him shriek and then cry so I told Melissa. I didn't think much of it until she came back saying that she thought he broke something. He indeed had. I had never seen a broken arm before and I don't ever want to again- so gross! And so sad! Melissa handled it all so well (I would have been acting like a crazy mom if it had been me). I took her baby, Kyle, and she took Miles to the hospital. And now Miles has a lovely sling and cast. Poor kids is just like his clumsy dad :(

And also this week... have I told you about Steven's invisible friend? His name is Comma (that's right, just like the punctuation mark). Well, on Sunday we received very bad news, Comma had died in a house fire. I was concerned because I thought Comma lived in our house but I was informed he had his own house and now all the Comma's were dead (apparently there are several of them). But never fear, Comma came back from heaven!!! And he/she? has now returned to Steven's side to do all sorts of devious things that I usually incorrectly blame Steven for. But be careful, Steven informed us, if you cry Comma will return to heaven.

And speaking of creepy...The other day I was in the living room with Lucy (laying on the floor) and Steven was on the couch. Ben was asleep and Tyler was out working and suddenly Steven got real quiet, and said, "Someone just walked behind me!" I quickly told him, "Don't say that, that's creepy!" He replied, "It's just the cry baby ghost." Yes, my son sees dead people. I'm sure of it.

And 2 cute pictures--Lucy's hair flower doesn't really match her clothes in the first picture and is askew in the second but her Grandma Hatch got it for her (which is way unusual for her to randomly get anything for my kids) so I had to photograph it :)

P.S. Lucy is consistent in being inconsistent with her feeding & sleeping schedule. On the bright side (though I am probably cursing it) she has been really good at nights lately. Not waking up officially until 6 or later. Goodness I hope it continues!!

P.P.S. I have been night time potty training Ben and last night was a success (3rd night in underwear). Hoping that, that will become a pattern and that he won't be 5 (like Steven was) when he's officially potty trained at night!

Anger Management

Last week started off really rough. My kids were being super naughty and pushing all my buttons. It was feeling like I spent each day just yelling at them for one thing or another. On top of that Tyler had 3 finals Thursday so he was super busy leaving me alone and stretched to my limits. And then in addition to that, I had a really awful tutoring experience Tuesday night. 

This student is usually difficult, I think he has ADD, but it wasn't the lack of attention that brought me to my melt down. It was the fact that he began to argue with me (just like my kids had been doing with me all day). It all started when I told him he was writing the info in the wrong box on a chart. He then got mad and said that I wasn't filling out the chart correctly. I told him I was a teacher once and I knew how to fill it out so he retorted "Were you in the classroom with me when my teacher told me how to to do it?" Then he refused to do it because he said I kept changing things (which I hadn't). And then he got upset saying it didn't matter if he did it because I was just going to tell on him anyways. In the end, his mom arrived, he cried and then there were many apologies from mom (not him) when she learned about his behavior.

After picking up my own kids, I got home and just wanted to cry. I was tired of feeling so mad and frustrated with kids all day. I was wondering if I should stop praying for patience because all that seemed to do is give me more situations for me to lose my patience in.

Then as I was sitting on the couch feeling totally miserable I got a text message from my sweet visiting teacher saying: "This is totally random but do you need me to pick up anything for you at Walmart?" I didn't need her to but I knew it wasn't random at all, I know who was making her think of me at that time. It was confirmation of truths that I forget so easily, Heavenly Father knows me and loves me. He has a plan for me. 

And then I decided I needed some help learning patience so the next day I went out and bought a book that I've been thinking I should read for awhile now. It called Screamfree Parenting and I am so glad I got it. I don't think it has any revolutionary ideas like it states it does but it has a lot of kind of "duh!" stuff that I needed to her. And so far it has been helping to make our house more calm. Here are some of my favorite "duh!" ideas I got from it... 

-I need to calm my own anxiety over my kid's choices because they are there choices not mine and I can't force them to be good (I am responsible to them not for them)
- I need to be consistent about enforcing consequences for their bad choices and I need to pick consequences that I am willing to enforce (I need to keep my promises)
- When my child has a problem I need to say "gosh that stinks! how are you going to fix it?" instead of always fixing it for them (it's helping with Ben)
- I need to take care of myself first (sounds weird I know but it's the whole oxygen mask in crashing airplane sort of idea- put it on you before putting it on your child)

Anyways, I still have issues and I still yell every once in awhile but things are definitely better in the Hatch home :)