Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday I was awoken by Steven- "Mom the Easter Bunny came & he left us notes!" He was SO excited to see what the bunny had brought him so after being nagged for about 10 minutes to come downstairs, I finally dragged myself out of bed and went with him to find his basket.

The note read:" You will find your basket where mommy keeps her cooking supplies." After looking through many cupboards, Steven finally found his basket inside one! Inside his basket: a Transformer's toothbrush, bubble bath, bubbles, candy necklaces, bubble gum, a chocolate bunny, a grabber, and a lion that grows grass hair. Yes he was spoiled!

When Ben finally woke up Steven was overjoyed- he couldn't wait to go see what Ben got from the bunny (he was more excited about it than Ben). Ben's note read: "You will find your basket where mommy goes to work." He found his quickly, it was on the floor in my office. Inside his basket: jello-beans (aka jelly beans), chocolate bunny, bubbles, pirate  toothbrush, toothpaste, a small magna doodle. and a monkey that will grow grass hair. Another spoiled boy:

And the last person awake was Lucy. Her note read, "You will find your basket where people wash their hands." Both boys were more than happy to go find the basket for her. It was in the bathroom sink. Inside her basket: purple bunny ears, a ball and a teething necklace.

Tyler & I also got baskets. Mine was hidden in the fireplace and full of candy. Tyler's was hidden in a cupboard in the hallway, his had the shirt he's wearing in the picture below and some candy`. 

Later on it was time for church and I failed to get a family picture. But I did snap a photo of Lucy before she headed out. The dress looks all white in the picture but it is white on top with light blue gingham on the bottom. I love the big bow but Tyler kept saying she looked like Aunt Jemima- so rude!

After church we went to the Hatch home for a delicious Easter dinner and our traditional Easter Egg Hunt. I was of course the lame mom who forgot their Easter baskets so they had to use really pretty grocery bags. This Easter Egg Hunt was a lot more challenging than the Ward one. The eggs were actually hidden and both boys needed help finding their eggs. But with help they each got their eggs and were on a nice sugar high for the rest of the night.

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