Saturday, March 30, 2013

Busy Easter Saturday

The Saturday before Easter was filled with all sorts of Easter fun! We started it off with our Ward Easter Party in the park by our neighborhood. We go every year and the kids love it! Tyler was even able to join us for part of it before leaving for a hike with the Scouts.

First we had a yummy breakfast and then they had something new- a train ride! The "train" was made from dollies and water barrels and was pulled by an ATV. All the kids loved it and it was a constant fight to get on it- here are the boys with one of the girls in the Ward:

After the train did a few rounds it was time for the "hat" parade. Some women in the Ward had on some nice Easter bonnets,and then lots of the kids joined in by putting their Easter baskets on their heads. Of course my boys are followers and did this too:

Then it was time for the Easter lesson:

And then off the kids went to get their 10 allotted eggs. This year Ben was not shy about getting eggs at all and he found 10 no problem (not hard when they are all strewn about in a field):

 Here's Steven with his bestest friend, Colin:

After the Easter egg hunt it was time to dye Easter eggs and this year the boys made monster Easter eggs. It was a fun change for them. (And please excuse Ben's gross shirt, he seems to think that a shirt makes a good tissue):

Then Ben decided to make some Easter Bunnies. (Steven had made some with me a few days earlier while Ben was napping so he wasn't interested in making anymore). I love that Ben kept putting the pants on the bunnies' heads :)

And after eating lunch we decorated some Easter/Spring cookies. Ben is still way more about eating the frosting and cookies rather than actually decorating and Steven is still into squirting piles of gel icing onto the cookies. But fun and tastiness was had by all:

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