Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April Updates

Lucy modeling all her new hair flowers:

My little Lucy girl continues to roll like crazy and is doing better at rolling herself off her tummy and onto her back. She also loves to squeal and shriek. When she's done nursing she doesn't just pull of, she screams like a banshee. Night time is better but still not perfect. USUALLY she sleeps from 9pm-5am and then she'll go back to bed and wake up somewhere between 7 & 8am. But I still have some nights where she wakes up before 5am and I have to go give her a hug and then let her cry it out. Thankfully she only cries for a little bit before falling back asleep.

Her nursing times have been pretty consistent (although I may have just cursed that fact by saying that). She nurses for 10-15minutes around 8am, 11am, 2pm, 5pm and 8pm. 

Yes, that is underwear on Steven's head. Last week I bought him new Lego Batman underwear while he was in preschool. I put it on his car seat and when I picked him you would've thought that was the best present ever! He went on and on about how he wanted that and how did I know? And did Benny pick it? And can he really keep it? He was SO excited, it was hilarious!

Steven is SO inquisitive, my mom was telling me about a comic strip that had a ghost in it by a mailbox and so Steven asked, "Is there a ghost in your mailbox Grandma?" I told him, "Yes" and suddenly Grandma was bombarded with questions: "Where is the ghost now?" "What does it do?" "Will it come to my mailbox?" "Can I see it?" This kid is going to drive his teachers nuts!

His inquisitiveness also led to nice bruise on his forehead. What happens when I open all 4 drawers of my tall dresser at the same time? It falls on my head!

Do you remember the picture of the "nest" I showed awhile back!? It is basically a bunch of blankets that Steven piled on the floor in his room. Well, since creating his "nest" he has not slept in his own bed. He literally only sleeps in his nest. A little odd, I know.

And the picture below is Steven showing how his new nail polish tastes. I bought some bitter nail polish and painted his thumbs with it and so far it has been a success. I have seen NO thumb sucking! At sacrament Sunday he did put his thumb into his mouth and immediately pulled it out and made that face. He then wanted to take several of the water cups and was not too happy about having to wait to go get a drink.

 And here's my silly Benny! I love this kid but we had a rough start to this week with him regressing on Sunday and having quite a few accidents. But after getting naughty spray twice on Monday (I know I'm evil), he finally stopped having accidents and is back to keeping his underwear dry.

And on that note. Ben is constantly putting his underwear and/or shorts backwards. You would think it would be quite uncomfortable to have your underwear on backwards but for some reason it doesn't bother him. 

Our new chores have been a learning experience for Ben. It has been challenging to get him to figure out how to properly clean a toilet and to teach him NOT to wipe his hands with the Clorox wipe when he's done. It was also a challenge to get him to put his clothing in the proper drawers. But today we had some success- he cleaned all the parts of the toilet without me telling him which ones to wipe. I was so proud!

Ben loves his brother (even if he tortures him constantly) and had to put underwear on his head just like Steven. Don't worry, that pair is clean ;) He also loves to copy his brother. Any story that Steven tells, a second later you can typically count on Ben telling you the same story. 


  1. Haha, you're a slave driver! I can't wait until I have my own slaves. Love the flowers! I forgot to ask if you'd rounded any up.

  2. It's not that odd about him wanting to sleep in his little nest. Loren spent a whole summer sleeping outside on his trampoline with a friend as a teen and a YEAR sleeping on the floor behind his bed because he thought it was more comfy! LOL He can sleep anywhere, anytime :)
