Monday, April 29, 2013


Yesterday we were driving home from Sunday dinner at the Hatch Home, listening to the Articles of Faith songs (the only way we can get Steven to learn them now that he's decided to be stubborn) when Steven asked me, "Does the Holy Ghost have peas in his house?" I was confused at first, not sure what he was asking and then it hit me, "Do you mean peace?" I asked. That was in fact what he meant. We then had a good conversation about who the Holy Ghost is, and what he does. I told Steven about the time I had a feeling that I should stop my car but the light was green and I was going straight and that just seemed silly so I didn't listen. Then a car turned left (they didn't see me) and they hit me. That brought on more questions which I was happy to answer. I love that Steven is starting to understand Gospel Principals and wants to learn more about them. I hope that when Tyler graduates we can be better and have Family Home Evening. But for now I will take these sweet learning experiences as they come. 

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