Monday, April 29, 2013

AZ Science Center

Sometimes I think I am Super Mom and that I can handle all 3 of my children by myself on a big outing. Usually I am quickly reminded that I am NOT Super Mom. This past Saturday was one such instance.

Thanks to my brother, Mike, I had the opportunity to get me and my kids into the AZ Science center this Saturday for FREE. Although Tyler was busy with school work and work work, I couldn't pass up a free trip to the Science Center so I decided to go. 

I am so grateful that my dad decided to come too because he was a huge help. And I am so grateful for all the help Mike and Mecca gave me. Lucy was an absolute angel up until the end and Ben was actually pretty good too but Steven...Steven was bit of a stinker.

We took the light rail and the short walk from the light rail stop to the science center took an eternity. My kids were slow as molasses. And then once there Steven couldn't be stopped. He was so ADD, bouncing from one exhibit to another and cutting in front of everyone who was waiting patiently in lines. Whenever I pulled him aside to talk to him we were about one second away from a tantrum. He was so frustrating. 

But at the end when Steven said, "I'm really glad we went here. It was fun!" I decided it was all worth it. He did have a good time and Ben had lots of fun hanging out with his poppy. And I enjoyed lots of sweet smiles and squeals from my little girl. So despite the anxiety Steven caused was good times :)

Lucy's new favorite thing to do is to pull her hair flowers down around her neck and chew on them. Such a stinker!

Their sweet cousin Oliver, he was such a good boy!

Ben listening to his heart beat play on a drum

Steven wouldn't do it but Ben was brave and laid down on a bed of nails!

Me and all my kids on the light rail home (and Mike & Oliver sitting next to us). Sometimes I think to myself, oh my gosh! I can't believe I have 3 kids! I am so outnumbered!


  1. yeah, notice how i only got 2 pictures of steven - he was too ADD for me to even find him anywhere. lol. i'm sorry you were stressed, though. i didn't think he was that bad. i was probably preoccupied with my own child though. i'm glad you braved it - it wouldn't have been the same without you guys! i can't believe you have 3 kids either... you are a super mom.

  2. Free is always good! You can endure anything knowing "if we have to leave now b/c of a meltdown at least I know I didn't waste my $$!"
