Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Misc. Things

A few weekends ago, the very cute child pictured above and his very cute brother, did something that was less than cute. While I was blogging, they took a whole container of glitter (one my mom had given me with some other craft supplies) and spread it EVERYWHERE. As a teacher, I never liked to use glitter because your classroom would sparkle (and not in a good way) for weeks. it is a few weeks later and I still see those evil sparkles in my house. Needless to say, they were very lucky that all I did was yell at them.

For Easter, if you recall from previous post, Steven had got some bubble bath. It smelt like bubble gum (go figure) and while I was putting away laundry he decided Lucy girl needed to smell it too. Well....he pushed a bit too hard and poor Lucy's face was covered in soap. It was the saddest thing ever! And the hardest thing ever to get the true story out of him- at first he stated that the bubbles just fell out on her. I guess in his mind that was sort of how it happened...

And lucky Steven has now inherited my old I-Pod. It was actually a few years ago that I got a much better music player and so that one has been hanging around the house since then. And though it was fully functional, somehow it ended up in the toy bin. Recently it resurfaced and since Steven is such a music junkie I decided to put some songs he likes on it and let him have it. Oh goodness do I regret that choice. His favorite thing to do!? Connect to daddy's speakers or turn up the headphones so all can hear and then play the beginning a few of the songs over and over again. He can't just listen to one whole song. Or even all the songs! His favorites: "We will rock you!" by Queen and "Gangnam Style" Not the bestest choices for a 5 year old, I know.

Lucy girls has become a HUGE fan of eating her feet. I absolutely think it's the cutest thing ever! Much cuter than her new habit of rolling on her tummy, crying about it and then repeating that action at least 500 times (only a slight exaggeration ;) ).

I have also been "sleep training" Lucy. Torture! The first night she cried for 40 minutes straight and Tyler's sweet comment "Why are we doing this?" ('cause it's so fun right!?). The second night she cried for 20 minutes. The third night she didn't wake up until 5:45am. And then last night--- she cried for 40 minutes again. Once again Tyler with his great comments "She's not going to sleep, why don't you just go get her" (but I didn't and she did- so ha!)  She is SO inconsistent it makes me cRaZy! I thought on the third night we were done but then last night happened. I love that girl but I just want to sleep through the night again!

Schedule wise she is awake 2-2.5 hours at a time, takes a 1.5-2 hour nap in the morning and early afternoon and about a 1 hour nap in the late afternoon. She does her last nursing session around 8:30pm. At least she has some consistency during the day! 

And on a happy note, a friend's sister-in-law made me these gorgeous headbands for Lucy. The picture is a bit blurry bit I love them!

And here's our family pic from our visit to Boeing....

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