Saturday, March 23, 2013

Life This Week

Yesterday we finally declared Ben "potty trained" and gave him his prize, a Mr. Freeze house!

And then he had 3 tiny accidents that same day...Argh! So I threatened to reclaim his awesome prize if he has an accident again and so far today he has been dry. 

Ben has really had some major attitude lately. His favorite sentence start off this week: "Told you..." Ways he has used it "Told you I didn't have pee." "Told you I was thirsty." " And what he really should say "Told you I'm being a brat." Because he's making me crazy!

Steven and Ben have been having sharing issues. Steven might be playing with one of Ben's toys or Ben might be playing with one of Steven's and then- fight! They grab it out of their brother's hand and scream, "That's mine!" And then crying ensues. After the millionth melt down I had had enough, I took all their toys, put them in the play room and locked the door. No more toys! And Steven's response? He raided my linen's cupboard and made his own little bed which also acts as a trampoline. As seen below:

My new solution to the sharing problem... I had a big talk with them about how everything is really not ours since God made us this world. And I talked about how God would want us to share our things. And we talked about what Jesus would do. And then we (more like I) determined that if we are going to fight over a toy (and not use our nice words to figure out who should play with it) then we can give the toy to someone who doesn't have toys and will appreciate it. So far, they have only lost one toy so maybe it's working!?

I let Lucy girl cry it out a 2 nights ago- it lasted almost an hour and was awful! So last night I was weak and went and fed her. This girl truly has me wrapped around her fingers already! I'm hoping maybe she'll just outgrow that one middle of the night feeding by herself because I really do miss sleeping through the night :( 

And last note, today we went to Boeing open house with my brother. The boys had a blast (is it any wonder since snow cones, cotton candy and chips were all involved). I enjoyed seeing my brother's cubicle and leaving silly notes in it, eating the yummy Firehouse sub, seeing the helicopter flight simulator, seeing cool real helicopters and spending time with my family (even Tyler was able to come!). 

1 comment:

  1. Aww - such a good mom! That's a great lesson to teach them. I hope it does work. Love that picture of Lucy Lou.
