Saturday, March 16, 2013

Lucy Lou

Today I attempted to feed Lucy her first "solid" (aka really liquidy baby cereal). The attempt was very unsuccessful. That adorable tongue of hers pushed out any solid that tried to enter her mouth. I am partially relieved because now I don't have to worry about feeding her at each meal- one less thing to do.

Lucy (and her brothers) all got a bad case of pink eye yesterday. It's funny because Lucy doesn't cry one bit when I give her the eye drops but they boys throw royal fits and bawl like I am murdering them when I give them theirs. That's my tough girl!!

Lucy is still not sleeping through the night and doesn't have any consistency with nights either (I think I had said she did but this girl loves to prove me wrong- she doesn't). Some nights she'll just wake up once (anytime between 1:30&4:30). Other nights she's up twice (once between 1:30 &3:30 and the second time being somewhere between 4&5:30). I know it's probably time to enlist the cry it out method with her but it is SO hard to do! 

Since she doesn't have a consistent initial wake up time (it's anywhere between 6:30 & 8:30) her schedule doesn't have consistent times. BUT she does follow a consistent "routine." She nurses (usually for 10-20 minutes total) and then is awake for 2 hours and then naps for 1-2 hours (so she nurses every 3-4 hours). She usually takes 3 naps throughout the day. And then at night she typically cluster feeds- will eat between 6&7 and then eat again around 8:30.

This week Lucy has turned into a rolling machine! Back to front, front to back- whichever, whenever! She rolls over at least once a day! I am so hoping that this means that she will be more like Steven with crawling and walking so that she won't be over 1 before she can run away from her brothers!

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