Friday, March 1, 2013

My Baldies

Last week we got some random cold weather which included a nice hail storm in our neighborhood. Many valley places even got some "snow" or what we Arizonians consider snow. I took the boys out to catch the hail but they are about as wimpy as me and lasted .5 seconds outside before they were running back into our warm home.

Steven and Ben got a much needed buzz cut from their daddy this week. Now all of my kids have the same hair (including Lucy :) ).

Last week Tyler and I doubled with Mike and Rebecca (we went to Outback Steak House & saw "Warm Bodies" and it cost us only $10 thanks to gift cards!) Before we went I was telling Steven that I was going on a date with his daddy. He asked, "Are you going to get a ring?" I said, "I don't think so...why?" He responded, "Because you have to get a ring when you go on a date." I think Steven may be secretly watching engagement videos on You Tube or something...

Also last week Steven had a dentist and dr's appt and everything is fine and dandy with him. No problems with his teeth and he is perfectly healthy and average in weight and height. Always good to hear!

Yesterday Steven got some "Fun Dip" candy with some money he got from the neighbor for getting their mail. Today we were meeting daddy for lunch and Steven wanted to bring one for a treat after his dinner but last moment he decided he wanted to bring 2- he wanted to give one to his daddy! When he gave it to Tyler he proceeded to give him instructions on how to eat it "First you get your spit on the stick and then you stick it in the powder. Then you can lick the stick." It was pretty funny :)

Lucy girl has had a rough week. She has been sick with some sort of cold and that has not made her a happy camper or a good sleeper. Thankfully she seems to be feeling better since she actually only woke up once last night- it was a miracle!!!

Lucy still has only rolled over once- I think it was a fluke but she does get on her side all the time. She just can't seem to make it all the way over. 

And Ben has been just plain Ben. He loves to say "Awesome!" when something strikes his fancy. And he loves to repeat phrases that his dad says like "Do you want to die the deaths!?" (whoever answers gets a severe tickling). 

He has also been picking out his own clothes lately which usually leads to pretty silly results. He's big into baggy shorts with long sleeve tops- it's pretty cute.

Ben can also count to 10...Except he always forgets 4. But who needs 4 anyways!?

And now for some silly pictures of my 3 baldies:

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