Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Zoo & My Belly

Yesterday Karen was nice enough to use her Phoenix Zoo membership to get me and the boys in for free! The Sanders & Ellsworth family also came along. It has been quite some time since we had been to the zoo so it was nice to get the opportunity to visit it and see all the changes that have happened. The orangutan's have a new habitat, there is now a jaguar, the Komodo Dragon's arm is in a splint and the zoo is reconstructing there whole entrance. Lots of fun things!

Sadly our visit to the zoo DID NOT start out well. Ben decided to try and get out of the wagon while it was moving and gave himself a good owie and it took him a good hour to recover (and I wish I could say I was exaggerating but I'm not) . First he was upset that I put a band-aide on it. Then he was upset that I took it off and he could see the blood. And then he was just plain upset to be upset. The picture below portrays my sad child perfectly:

I went and got him so the other moms could have a nice picture of their children, no fussy babies allowed. I love that Steven & Colin match- such good friends!

After Ben finally stopped with the fussiness the zoo trip was much better for me. It was so nice to hang out with some ladies in my ward and even nicer when I was able to see both my boys having fun with all their friends. However, Ben did not want to participate in the lizard picture below and I was not going to encourage the evil child to return so here are two cute lizard picture sans Ben:

Hopefully my child didn't ruin the experience for everyone else and despite his crankiness I am still glad we got to go. It was nice to have one last big outing with just my boys. I'm sure the next time we go there will be an additional child joining us.

Here's a picture of that additional child (aka Lucy) hiding out in my big belly. Of course, Steven had to get in the picture too.

I can't believe that in less than 2 weeks I will be at my due date. I'm super nervous for how my labor & delivery experience will turn out. I made the mistake of reading some anti-vbac things and am beginning to get worried. There's that .1% risk of uterine rupture which can cause fetal death. I know it's only .1% but you can't help but worry that you'll be that .1%. I also worry on the other side that baby Lucy will go overdue and I will just end up with a c-section anyways (because the risks of a vbac go up with induction & I don't think I'm game for that). I don't want another c-section but I don't want the risks of a vbac. Ugh! If only I could know how everything is going to pan out and know that it will all be ok. Hopefully I can rid myself of doubt and have faith in my prayers and know that it will all be ok. I honestly can't wait to be done with that stressful part and just have my sweet, baby girl to hold (and to dress ;) ). I am so excited to meet her!

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