Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Part 1

Since baby Lucy is still in my tummy (4 days overdue at this point) yesterday I decided we should start doing some Halloween celebrating. This is only part 1 since we still have trick-or-treating to do tonight but I warn you there are lots of pictures :)

For dinner we made our traditional pumpkin pizzas (can you tell how excited Steven is to eat his?):

Then when Tyler got home we carved our pumpkins that we had purchased Saturday night. Steven and Ben were NOT into taking the guts out. In fact they freaked out when mommy and daddy touched them with their pumpkin gut covered hands:

After the pumpkin guts were disposed of, I helped the boys draw on the faces. Steven wanted a mad pumpkin & Ben wanted a happy pumpkin:

Last I attempted to try and get them to help cut out their faces but ended up pretty much doing it myself:

Tyler spent FOREVER carving his pumpkin. He really get's into pumpkin carving....

And here are my 3 boys with their awesome pumpkins:

Today we made Halloween cookies. The boys got nice & messy with the mixing and cutting part:

They had a little less fun with the decorating part. They both frosted one cookie and then were done. All they wanted to do was eat the cookies. They didn't understand that decorating is fun!

Tonight we'll hit the neighborhood and go trick-or-treating. I had invited Tyler's family over to go with us but I got anti-social and cancelled on them this morning. I feel bad but I really need a low key night with tomorrow's impending c-section. I'm nervous about getting cut open again and hoping that the recovery isn't more difficult this time. Hoping for a nice calm Halloween & an easy surgery tomorrow :)

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