Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Part 2

I figured I better get these pictures up before Lucy comes tomorrow & all I want to blog about is her ;) Tyler ended up ditching his last class to take the boys trick-or-treating. It was so nice to have him there. Then Mike & Rebecca came over to help pass out candy. It was just the calm evening that I needed!

As you can tell, Steven didn't get as much camera time as Ben. Ben sort of hogged all the attention tonight in his Yoda (or as he says "hoda") costume. There were so many random people commenting on his cuteness. I think my fire fighter was just as cute though! Both costumes were hand me downs. Steven didn't have a choice because the fire fighter one was the only one that fit but Ben did and I was surprised he picked Yoda over Batman & Superman. Oh my boys!

Classic Ben Picture with silly eyes:

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